Women are too smart buddy. You can lie selectively but...
It is the truth FS. Take out the mating or sex factor...
There are several categories in that Vic. At an young...
Hey Vic who is on top of the list??
Flirting is a natural social behavior which is seen...
Hms and Soniya I posted this in Funnies because there...
Definitely got him by his b**. But what is he...
Good one hms. Heard this before but good to laugh again...
Good one FS. This is why we have marriages within...
Ha Ha remember the beautiful Doc angry as tempest...
Women are too smart buddy. You can lie selectively but...
It is the truth FS. Take out the mating or sex factor...
There are several categories in that Vic. At an young...
Hey Vic who is on top of the list??
Flirting is a natural social behavior which is seen...
Hms and Soniya I posted this in Funnies because there...
Definitely got him by his b**. But what is he...
Good one hms. Heard this before but good to laugh again...
Good one FS. This is why we have marriages within...
Ha Ha remember the beautiful Doc angry as tempest...