LOL Jauntie !!!
Pavithra, Lulu has a few treadmill at sale at...
Yeah Dweller. It will all go into incinerator.
Eid Mubarak to you Rainbow and all Qlers.
Try Virgin Megastore in Villagio.
You are right Lima. Most of these ads may be scam. If...
On very few occasions that I have used Mac (in graphics...
As for certain terms, I am sure my granny never had to...
I have used the 'dial' phones where there were slots...
Nanotechnology is the emerging science and is taught as...
LOL Jauntie !!!
Pavithra, Lulu has a few treadmill at sale at...
Yeah Dweller. It will all go into incinerator.
...Eid Mubarak to you Rainbow and all Qlers.
Try Virgin Megastore in Villagio.
You are right Lima. Most of these ads may be scam. If...
On very few occasions that I have used Mac (in graphics...
As for certain terms, I am sure my granny never had to...
I have used the 'dial' phones where there were slots...
Nanotechnology is the emerging science and is taught as...