Hi - yes - excellent phone but I changed it cause the...
As a mother that did a lot of travelling when my kids...
I would say that as long as you both have respect for...
What does without hassles and problems mean...of course...
I just you ask her what the issue is.. It might just be...
I would think that you would not be able to leave the...
HA HA HA.... The motto here is never cross a...
Even if you de-activate your account it is always there...
Hi - yes - excellent phone but I changed it cause the...
As a mother that did a lot of travelling when my kids...
I would say that as long as you both have respect for...
What does without hassles and problems mean...of course...
I just you ask her what the issue is.. It might just be...
I would think that you would not be able to leave the...
HA HA HA....
The motto here is never cross a...
Even if you de-activate your account it is always there...