Hey Poeple - Lol... I was rude with the guy named...
shanawazt - 1 yr on QL and 85 points... Hmm..
Adityapunja - Why cant you Indians think and see before...
QatayLady - Ya me too...
First time in my life...
Visitors - ?????
3 hrs and 1 point.. and you...
shanawazt - Boy... You have triggered me to write yet...
Darude - If this is poorly planned... why is there need...
ntropy - ?????
Since when did Guyz have problem...
FS - Thts exactly wht I am thinking of...
000 - Qatar is safe for women ??? You gave you...
Hey Poeple - Lol... I was rude with the guy named...
shanawazt - 1 yr on QL and 85 points... Hmm..
Adityapunja - Why cant you Indians think and see before...
QatayLady - Ya me too...
First time in my life...
Visitors - ?????
3 hrs and 1 point.. and you...
shanawazt - Boy... You have triggered me to write yet...
Darude - If this is poorly planned... why is there need...
ntropy - ?????
Since when did Guyz have problem...
FS - Thts exactly wht I am thinking of...
000 - Qatar is safe for women ???
You gave you...