all married couple dont think so if u love some...
i think this thread is good for single to be taken...
if some one really love u he should trust at u in each...
blind trust, care
but love cant be define ever...
suicide seems a very difficult task............
a girl changes da boy completely and in da end she days...
try to see da other side of the pix .......
but doing so will u forget all dat moments u spend with...
braddy ann
wow amazing reply
keep it up...
who is Mrs Smoke ............
all married couple dont think so
if u love some...
i think this thread is good for single to be taken...
if some one really love u he should trust at u in each...
blind trust, care
but love cant be define ever...
suicide seems a very difficult task............
...a girl changes da boy completely and in da end she days...
try to see da other side of the pix .......
but doing so will u forget all dat moments u spend with...
braddy ann
wow amazing reply
keep it up...
who is Mrs Smoke ............