lol question :D what attracts the women ? loads and...
damn i hate u for this song lol
ouchhh.. hope they are much dirt
yup if Ban taken seriously then the Dowry problem will...
Religion doesn't permit court marriages !! or does it...
Yes Tinker, I know the guy u talking about seen his...
Kool thanks 4 info, will go 2morrow..
Low Budget marriage does makes a lot of difference just...
Pakistan is already practicing on low budget marriages...
com'on if Rizks doesn't flirt with females will he...
lol question :D what attracts the women ? loads and...
damn i hate u for this song lol
ouchhh.. hope they are much dirt
yup if Ban taken seriously then the Dowry problem will...
Religion doesn't permit court marriages !! or does it...
Yes Tinker, I know the guy u talking about seen his...
Kool thanks 4 info, will go 2morrow..
Low Budget marriage does makes a lot of difference just...
Pakistan is already practicing on low budget marriages...
com'on if Rizks doesn't flirt with females will he...