It gives u more power when having sex!!! guhhaha!...
ah! lol.! remote control? lol. guess u just see remote...
Well , if its really urgent i can hand over some cash...
In Qatar Airways , this post is offered like 15000...
well , not sure abt riveria gardens . but yeah a lot of...
Have a safe journey , we all miss u !!! :)
Qatari sun :- I know they do not let in single men at...
I know it just feels so sick! jeeeez! thought of...
Its a ship, better than titanic! and doesnt sink!...
i am a proud man today! so is my country America!...
It gives u more power when having sex!!! guhhaha!...
ah! lol.! remote control? lol. guess u just see remote...
Well , if its really urgent i can hand over some cash...
In Qatar Airways , this post is offered like 15000...
well , not sure abt riveria gardens . but yeah a lot of...
Have a safe journey , we all miss u !!! :)
Qatari sun :- I know they do not let in single men at...
I know it just feels so sick! jeeeez! thought of...
Its a ship, better than titanic! and doesnt sink!...
i am a proud man today! so is my country America!...