and OMG they sound great in QL buty in person they dont...
thats a brave step marycatherine... lol... i'd rather...
i'll go get condom!!!! and give them my grass
ts really funny seeing them but in their culture its ok...
police here especially the CID guys are really like...
but there are a couple of gays i see everywhere......
thats amazing.... lol..... thats what the world is now...
they try to exterminate gays here in qatar.. dont they...
and OMG they sound great in QL buty in person they dont...
thats a brave step marycatherine... lol... i'd rather...
i'll go get condom!!!! and give them my grass
...ts really funny seeing them but in their culture its ok...
police here especially the CID guys are really like...
but there are a couple of gays i see everywhere......
thats amazing.... lol..... thats what the world is now...
they try to exterminate gays here in qatar.. dont they...