any idea wat the charges are like for the driving...
with regards to the hair part well my hair seems to be...
good morning speed (after reading that news the mornin...
this is the most apalling thing a mother can do to her...
oh you failed??sorry thought u meant the bloke asking...
that is eassier said than done paul considering we aint...
that means you are up so very early then huh?it prolly...
jag do u write the QATAR DAILY TRIBUNE?well since u say...
mornin jag >ah i shall remember that but dont you...
yeah i read yr shhhh not so loud he...
any idea wat the charges are like for the driving...
with regards to the hair part well my hair seems to be...
good morning speed (after reading that news the mornin...
this is the most apalling thing a mother can do to her...
oh you failed??sorry thought u meant the bloke asking...
that is eassier said than done paul considering we aint...
that means you are up so very early then huh?it prolly...
jag do u write the QATAR DAILY TRIBUNE?well since u say...
mornin jag >ah i shall remember that but dont you...
yeah i read yr shhhh not so loud he...