Full marks Karwa on your high standards of customer...
Wheres the Tatoo? On his chopper? OMG another gin...
Yes u r right. He has a huge chopper.
Please give us all a break! Cut the crap about Darude...
OMG - I met a few slappers in my time who were into...
I have 33,878 QL Luvvie points so i must be truly oved...
Lovely people? And just where is my name on your list...
Hic! Time to lie down eh! Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...
ust out of interest - someone is advertising a Proton...
Miscat reckons i should switch to Vodka but I used to...
Full marks Karwa on your high standards of customer...
Wheres the Tatoo? On his chopper? OMG another gin...
Yes u r right. He has a huge chopper.
Please give us all a break! Cut the crap about Darude...
OMG - I met a few slappers in my time who were into...
I have 33,878 QL Luvvie points so i must be truly oved...
Lovely people? And just where is my name on your list...
Hic! Time to lie down eh! Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...
ust out of interest - someone is advertising a Proton...
Miscat reckons i should switch to Vodka but I used to...