Was that load of badly written emotional garbade...
"Using cluster bombs was both inhumane and arguably...
I'm sorry I was under the impression that war isn't...
Goodness ESL Teacher! You should read your own article...
Fukutoo, Bush doesn't speak any French at all which is...
Well this site is fantastic for finding out information...
Honestly, even when the bars open, it doesn't get much...
bbksiu have you acutally ever been on a bus? Seperate...
Welcome to Qatar, country of more money then sense and...
Was that load of badly written emotional garbade...
Was that load of badly written emotional garbade...
"Using cluster bombs was both inhumane and arguably...
I'm sorry I was under the impression that war isn't...
Goodness ESL Teacher! You should read your own article...
Fukutoo, Bush doesn't speak any French at all which is...
Well this site is fantastic for finding out information...
Honestly, even when the bars open, it doesn't get much...
bbksiu have you acutally ever been on a bus? Seperate...
Welcome to Qatar, country of more money then sense and...