Very briefly:-
A professional banker having held various senior and executive management roles at Citibank NA, IIBU, IBB, UBS and HSBC.
I am a founding member of the Bank of England working party on Islamic mortgages. I am also a founding Member UK technical group at Securities Investment Institute for Islamic Finance Qualification, London. I was a course director of executive development program at the Institute of Islamic Banking and insurance UK. I Chaired and organized various Islamic Banking training courses, seminars and conferences around the Globe.
I co-authored a book on Islamic retail Banking & Finance – global challenges published by Euro-money UK.
I am a frequent speaker at the Islamic Banking and other conferences and hold banking diplomas from UK and USA
I am MD / Managing Partner of QCC, Qatar, Chairman & MD of Amana Banking Consultants Ltd London and Chairman Bentley Carter Financials Ltd London UK as well.
Appeared in many global TVs and interviewed by them including BBC, CNN, Vectone, ARY and others on various Islamic Banking and general Civic matters.
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