I m 23 years old and I live in As_Solaymania city north of Iraq,I have 3 years expiriense in translating and I speak, right and read 3 language{arabic,English and persian}beside my mother language(kurdish).3 years ago I start using internet,I met agirl on yahoo messenger,we became friends,after a while I start feeling that Im in love with here,and I told here,She start asking me lot of qestions and I answered them,she accepted and we decided to marrey,I forget to tell you that she is living in qatar,I love here till death,so does she,in this 3 years i tried very hard to get a visa to go to Qatar but I till now I couldnt,our live is like hell,we need each other,please if any body could help us we will be so greatfull.pleasssssssssssssssssssssse,
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