Aliens........Do you believe this ????
Just check out this news as i have no words to explain. The hollywood movies are coming to real.
Just check out this news as i have no words to explain. The hollywood movies are coming to real.
I believe in aliens. They come across the Mexican border into the US every year. Border Patrol usually sends them back.
Are we talking about songs here ?
but I actually believed that giAb was a fab song by Christina A. Christina A could not possibly be a humanoid. Not with that voice.
If I want to buy a sour what is the unit for measuling the sour? Do I buy in Kiro ol cc?
Russell Brand is Satan?
These ale Chinese Rantelns Frying in the Sky my Flend!
lol NM..:)but you got to rub it the right way!
Ah, that's how that works.
What about the genie in the bottle if you rub it the right way? That is also not true?
Frenchies is right...Praise the Lord!
now still UFO, after the experiments become IFO then we can see plying car.
I think they might be doing some experiments with the icy on the himalayas.
What Hollywood movie depicts Chinese UFOs crossing the border to India?
Where were "aliens" mentioned? Do you mean illegal immigrants from China to india or vice versa?
A "UFO" is a flying object that hasn't been identified. If these were identified then the story might be more interesting. Probably not though.
Who knows..Who ever claimed there was no life out there? Certainly we earthlings are not alone in the universe.
However it appears these UFOs are not the ET kind, but of human origin. Why any out of this planet being, having a choice to fly off anywhere, would ever want to land on earth is beyond me!
China'a selling market has reached to such a high level that even the aliens are now made in china.
Perhaps its your chinese phrend Sum ting Rong who is trying to send you a message ..
UFO = Unidentified Frying Onions, you mean ? :(
Simply Chinese lanterns ..
I actually saw one the other day at 5.45am, it was a silver orb type object just over the corniche could not have been a plane or helicopter, it was traveling really slow and then it just vanished like a fade away.
Some Qatari saw them here in the form local Qatari people dress in the dark nights in the desert where there are no lights
but if we cant identify it by the hundreds then obviously it must be from out of this world :P finally the truth is revealed...UFO's made in China.
smoke, as per the news it is not a UFO from space or another world but it looks like something China is doing from their end.
We should not believe such rubbish like UFO's we are the center of the universe and there is no other life out there to come visit us and be bothered about life on Earth. Religion says so, hence it must be true.