Woohoo, going to Nepal

The excitement is building as I am soon off to Nepal with my good friend Manu B (another QL member). Manu is Nepalese and we are doing the trip Nepalese style. This means no western food, no five star hotels and it means a lot of walking, hiking and travelling by Yak. We are going for two weeks from the middle of April and intend to get as far as Everest base camp.
This is the schedule that Manu has mapped out for us:
1. Arrive Katmandu
2. Ride to chubrubs then to Tibet border, last resort
3. Bunjy jumping/white water rafting
4. Chitwan jungle lodge
5. Lumbini- birth place of Buddha
6. Pokhara
Have any of you guys ever been to Nepal? I am so excited I can hardly wait. Anybody got any essential advice?
I will return laden with gifts.
Fairy tales don't tell children dragons exist. Children know dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children dragons can be killed. G.K Chesterton
Good advice there. I will be with a Nepalese friend so I am not worried. I am excited to be going and I feel very honored and priveleged. I will be staying in Nepalese houses and eating Nepalese food. And I'm gonna get real high.
Fairy tales don't tell children dragons exist. Children know dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children dragons can be killed. G.K Chesterton
Your trip doesnt show how you are going to reach Everest Base Camp, Kalapathhar. Take a domestic flight to Lukla from Kathmandu, and then you need to walk to Kalapathhar, the Everest base camp.
Nepal is seeing a lot of tourist inflow now and it is safe for travel. The maoists will not interrupt your travel, neither will they ask for donations.
Keep in mind there is an airport tax while flying out of nepal and you need to pay in cash. No cards accepted i suppose.
There is an election coming up very soon so you might be large masses and ralies but these are just publicity campaign for the election.
Have fun in Nepal!
The botanical name of the Rudraksh plant is 'ELAEOCARPUS GRANITRUS'. This is found in the various parts of the world.
Every human being & other living things have their own Aura, a field of energy that surrounds people & other living things, reflects the energy of the spirit in that body, this energy extends about two to four inches around the body & a light or pastel shade. An Aura is like a thumb print, it is completely individual & expresses who you really are in all your splendor. It is said that the seed of Rudraksh contains the secrets of entire evolution of the cosmos within it. The Rudraksh are worn for their specific benefits. These are much more powerful and can help achieve wonders, if energized and empowered the right way. Rudraksh of different mukhis pleases the corresponding planets. It may be sufficient to go in for only for those mukhis whose ruling planets, cause malefic effects. It has been proved that wearing Rudraksha controlled heart beat and had a positive effect on Blood Pressure, Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Palpitations and Lack of Concentration. Rudraksh Bead have Electromagnetic, Paramagnetic, Diamagnetic and Dynamic Polarity or the ability to change its polarity. Rudraksh also have Anti Ageing Properties based on their Electromagnetism.
When Rudraksha Beads are worn they interface and integrate with the Human Body at a silent subtle level of Consciousness. Due to their Dielectric and Magnetic Properties the Rudraksha Beads initiate and effect positive change in the Bio Electrical System of the Human Body in a life supporting manner. As a result of this change in the electrical makeup of our body, positive change is also initiated in our Bio Chemical System.
Human body is basically a Bio Electronic circuit, blood circulation, the transmission of various impulses and the continuous movement of Neurons and Neurotransmitters in the brain generates electrical impulses which is know as Bioelectricity.It is believed & proved that Rudraksh beads have certain Electromagnetic and Inductive properties , when worn over the heart they send out corresponding signals differing for different mukhis to the brain, activating or controlling certain brain chemicals & neurotransmitters thereby inducing states of mind .Medically it has been proved that Rudraksh has very powerful Anti Ageing properties because of the Dynamic Polarity of the Rudraksha a bead thus the healing powers of Rudraksha are far superior to that of Magnets. In some sense Rudraksha beads can be termed to have some additional life or Intelligence as against Magnets.
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Maoists are items of past now. There are so many other groups who claim to fight against government.
Also Richard will be reaching after the elections so , the scenario will be changed, I cant say towards good or bad
but Its not gonna effect our trip.
I had few rudraksha garlands, gave a couple of them to my frens here, I think i m left with one or two, giv me a call ,we can meet n I ll giv u some. Alexa can can join.
All QLers are invited to Nepal. I ll be there till end of May.
If not this time, I m there every six months, so guys , plan for your next trip .
Enjoy the trip, Have Fun
time there, dont worry about the maosits as long as your not draped in techology they will petty much leave you alone - might just ask for a donation thats all!
Nepal is amazing you will have the best time ever there we love it - check out rum doodles bar in kathmandu! there is an place cant remember the name does the best breakfast and all teh staff are deaf and dumb its magical! please give money to the beggars which need it! you will love it its the best country in the whole wordl! i have the LP guide if you want it! oh and get real high man!
[img_assist|nid=13270|title=Love Life|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=113]
love life!
as i told you before
dont give it a mere religious importance....there is lot more to it
if only you want to try
go deep googling and dig the articles
next season i will be in nepal.......need your guidance....
you owe richard a lot..........
I will surely share some with you
.....i like to help people
will come back to you with more details if you are really interested
looks like we ALL want to go and also have the handsome Manu as our guide :D
me first lol
You really should know about these things.
the religious fact but indeed these seeds have been
scientifically proved for their electromagnetic properties that heal
the body.
you are in for a suprise;
hey manu
i really need some... i will sent you a PM.
im excited now.......
Hey buddy u need rudrakshas??
I have some with me here,do u need them?
hi richard
dont forget to grab some rudrakshas....... you probably know about them already;;;; it does good for you......
nepal is in my list of holidays too
happy and safe trip and do get some good snaps.......
Ive been to Nepal, over 10 years ago, and you will love it, the people are so hospital and friendly, the kids running around kathmandu laughing and playing is amazing, such humble, helpful, friendly people...
Bodnath (pilgrim place for buddists) is amazing, im sure you will love it.
you can get more advice form lonelyplanet online:
have a good trip..
Would love to go to Nepal, all the people from there I've met have been great. Have not met anyone from Nepal that is not a happy character.
Dan-ya-bat (not sure of spelling but thats how it sounds is thank you and is sure to get a smile if you say it.
Qatars best known Pirate - Yaarr!
Discover marvelous legendary Himalayas ,Feb-April is best time to fly
Probably Richard will be leaving around 15th Apr I guess, or after 15th, confirm with him, I ll be waitin in Ktm to welcome U guys.
I am doing the 5 star hotel (I hope), for some reason this where the golf trip is going this year, so apart from Kathmandhu and a few temples, oh and the flight over Everest, I'm staying in.
Well aprt from a few nights in the bars, suposedly good
Richard, give me a few tips if you can when you get back I leave on April 17th
I'm coming with you!
You would have to be out of your mind to go there.
Fairy tales don't tell children dragons exist. Children know dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children dragons can be killed. G.K Chesterton
in the UK.
Just out of curiosity I checked out security risks in the UK at the Home Office site.
"The current terrorism threat level is Severe
The threat level is Severe. An explanation of what this means in terms of a terrorist attack is set out below.
What are threat levels?
A new system has been created to keep the public informed about the level of threat to the UK from terrorism.
The threat levels are:
critical - an attack is expected imminently
severe - an attack is highly likely
substantial - an attack is a strong possibility
moderate - an attack is possible but not likely
low - an attack is unlikely"
I may stay in Doha instead of going back to UK on 12 April LMAO
Well I am still coming on 11 April.
Fairy tales don't tell children dragons exist. Children know dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children dragons can be killed. G.K Chesterton
its 11th check the link i gave you lazy :/
The dhow trip is 4 April right? I am definately coming ins'Allah. Not goig to Nepal until middle April.
Fairy tales don't tell children dragons exist. Children know dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children dragons can be killed. G.K Chesterton
You can't teach experience...
My travelling companion has plenty of experience of both of these necessities and assures me there is no shortage of either. Just to be on the safe side, he suggests that we stock up on both in Kathmandu.
Fairy tales don't tell children dragons exist. Children know dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children dragons can be killed. G.K Chesterton
I prefer him just beer not women...........lol
"Drink Beer Save Water"
I'm sure they do this as a precaution....and probably have almost every country listed as "security concerns".
The Department of Foreign affairs in Oz has Qatar listed as a 'high threat of terrorist attack'......
'Our freedom is but a light that breaks through from another world'
means you are not joining
25,000 British nationals visited Nepal in 2007 (source: Nepal Tourist Board). Most visits were trouble free. The main types of incident for which British nationals required consular assistance in Nepal in 2007 were: replacing lost and stolen passports; arrests, mainly drug-related; and hospitalisations, generally as a result of trekking accidents. You are strongly advised to use a reputable travel agent and only trek with an experienced guide and in a group.
For more, Richard, visit:
It's just some will try to disrupt elections around 10 April - but I doubt you are an antagonistic person and would stay clear of crowds lol
I am excited. Can't wait. Just been looking at pictures at what must be the most stunning country in the world. We're gonna get real high!
Fairy tales don't tell children dragons exist. Children know dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children dragons can be killed. G.K Chesterton
You can't teach experience...
You dont have to pay anything for maoist now a days.Now its safe.Dont worry..........
"Drink Beer Save Water"
so lets go to china you and me ;-)
and best to keep yer hands orf their wimmin too! hee hee
Like I said, beware of The Green Eye of the Yellow God ... :D
OH! speak of the Devil! HI SENTI XXX
Save journey my friend. We will miss you for sure. And come back.
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.
This Travel Warning is being issued to alert American citizens to ongoing security concerns in Nepal. The Department of State continues to urge American citizens to defer non-essential travel to Nepal. This supersedes the Travel Warning issued on June 24, 2005.
This seems like an over reaction to events. My understanding is that I might have to pay some "taxes" to Maoist separists. But that's okay.
Fairy tales don't tell children dragons exist. Children know dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children dragons can be killed. G.K Chesterton
HMM Richard welcome to nepal.................
"Drink Beer Save Water"
Indeed they are good hearted people but make sure u dun get into the Maoist strong hold without paying tax to them or else they will rip off your pants, the elections are in the offering and hope you don’t get caught between rival political parties. Have a nice Trip
...spend your rupees there, you will find out when you convert to riyal..."woh? only that amount?"
Try also flying in the sky, parachutes & jumping from mountain top w/ a safety rope.....(i forgot what the term)
Visit the monkey temple...squatt & bring out food from ur pack,,,monkeys will come w/ spread palm begging you to give them.
You will enjoy walking in the road w/ bufalos and cows....
Wish them "NAMASTE"......... You will found out nepalese are good hearted people....
There's a one-eyed yellow idol to the north of Khatmandu,
There's a little marble cross below the town;
There's a broken-hearted woman tends the grave of Mad Carew,
And the Yellow God forever gazes down.
He was known as "Mad Carew" by the subs at Khatmandu,
He was hotter than they felt inclined to tell;
But for all his foolish pranks, he was worshipped in the ranks,
And the Colonel's daughter smiled on him as well.
etc etc etc and the rest is history! :D
Merci Richard,
J'attends impatiemment de voir les photos!!!
Now that sounds like my type of holiday! Have a great time Richard!
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
and bon voyage..
and get us sum good photographs....
learn some essential words
mais Je prendrai beaucoup des photos pour toute le monde a voir.
Fairy tales don't tell children dragons exist. Children know dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children dragons can be killed. G.K Chesterton
trip to Nepal
well have fun... show us some pics when you get back.. :)
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
Have fun!!
I'd love to visit Nepal. Never been!
He has been saving a lot of water recently but you will not recognize us when we get back. I am already on a very strict exercise and food regime. By the time we get back we will be lean and mean from hiking and Yak milk. Still saving water but substituting the beer for Yak milk.
Fairy tales don't tell children dragons exist. Children know dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children dragons can be killed. G.K Chesterton
Particularly the ones who are upset they don't have UK pension :D
Joking aside (that was a joke? I think not lol) apart from the bunji jumping it sounds like a fabulous opportunity, especially with Manu as your guide.
We shall all look forward to seeng a good write-up from you telling us all about it when you get back!
And always remember, it's very important to 'get yer knees brown' (as the old colonials used to say, due the the length of their shorts and the height of their socks!)
and greets to mr *safe water drink beer*aka Sentibhim
just keep few points , keep atleast 1000 nepali rupees for ur last moment, as u need to pay exist taxes in nepali rupee. do not ever cary indian rupee of 500 denomination, as this could get u a free trip to police staions,enjoy ,have fun
Keep an eye on these kids else they wont get back :D
Have fun Richard ... and bring some pics for us. I think Charmed and Truth been to Nepal ... but havent seen them online for ages.