Why people compare science with religion

Why does a human these days have to prove his/her religion is the best. Most commonly used theory and proof (that is what these guys try to do) is to compare one's religion and the written context in that particular religion with the modern science.
I pity all those people who try to raise the religious topic and then try proving the scientific aspects.
Is any religion become so week that one needs to fall back upon science to hold on to it or are we all become insane and confused. Confused because when we try to relate and compare religion with modern science... we automatically show our primary trust in sceince and then to the religion.
This thread is actually meant to all those QLers who are fighting day in and out with the rest of us to show that their religion is the best BECAUSE IT HAS MOST OF THE SCIENTIFIC ASPECTS THAN OTHER RELIGIONS.
well....every body should have the freedom of worshping and building for it...am talking about religions like islam,christian,jews...mot idiol worshiping people! like Buddiis or hindu...etc
somalia do have Churches.....even though the christian are in thousand only.....but they are free ! like the muslims are free in Europe or west
It's always the small things that make big differences.
Recently I fancied the idea of riding around Doha on a souped up scooter - but I haven't seen any around ..
My mother and father are responsible for my presence on earth and a plane brought me to Qatar - I don't see a mystical hand at work there. But please continue with your thesis.
Only intolerent of intolerent wackos, my dear. And sometimes I just spoil for a fight - knuckle dusters and hobbnail boots an' all.
I don't go to mythical places with strange men.
-- Douglas Adams, The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul.
or shoved, or bullied about a bit :D
Rest of us just sort of go with the flow and but in if it gets too much for him to handle (which isn't very often cos mostly it goes over 'our' (my) head!)
The basis is about your present in the earth. Wherecan you tell that you will live and now stay here in qatar. The religion is the true of yourself.
"Science should be the media to understand religion not reverse" ...
I agree - a lot is known about the philosophical, evolutionary & scientific NEED to believe.
But I think you meant to say it the other way round.
"Religion is the truth" - on what basis do you make this statement? And can you prove it?
I don't go to mythical places with strange men.
-- Douglas Adams, The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul.
At least I see a few tolerant, like minded people around.
me and alexa are paid up members of the IMPP (Invisible Minority Peoples Party)
Religion is the truth. So religion should in line with science in the most.
The answer is blowing in the wind mate
Tolerance of the other ( feel free to insert 'in' anywhere in this sentence: clue - could be a prefix!)
I don't go to mythical places with strange men.
-- Douglas Adams, The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul.
alexa as usual like jauntie's also gets most of her comments ignored lsometimes so sad lol
am i right jauntie
Hmmm. I see nobody replied to Alexa's very insightful questions.
I wonder why?
Which holds that each should keep out of each others sphere of thinking/relevance.
A universe with a god will look very different from a universe without
one. Science is concerned with explaining what exists, so the truth
claims of religion are directly in conflict with empirical science. Science is concerned with examining what exists (in whatever form) and
how it works. If one proposes that God exists (in whatever form), then
by definition God falls within the remit of science.
I suppose science and religion could, in theory, be non-overlapping magisteria, but only if
religion withdrew entirely from the universe we all live in. In its
current form, its practitioners can't avoid making statements about the
Unfortunately, many theists are willing to violate the principles of
NOMA in making bold claims regarding the age of the universe, the
origins of life, the occurance of miracles, etc
Take Christianity as only one example. The bible makes several claims
that have been disproven by science. The universe and everything in it
was not created in 7 days nearly 6,000 years ago, the earth was not
created before the sun, the moon does not cast its own light, there was
no global flood etc.
The Qu'ran has the same stories and other additional claims that proport to tell us scientific 'facts'( see realsom1's post in the politics, culture & religion forum)
IMHO religion does us atheists a great service when it tries to scientifically justify itself, as the cognitive dissonance is deafening and exposes the delusional bubble its adherents are trapped in. It serves to help break the chains that ensnare, via their holy books, the religious believers.
Keep it up I say.
I don't go to mythical places with strange men.
-- Douglas Adams, The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul.
lurking somewhere......
May be we can post some neutral opinions...
hahaha this is the funniest thing in the world....an indian idiot commenting about Somalia...oh shame on me this is my fault....do you know where Madhya Pradesh is located in India? I bet he doesnt know his geography....useless.
Where there is respect and justice...there is peace..
sorry - I forgot I'm in a multi-national country and I forget I'm supposed to just like people I meet. I really ought to start reading about why I should hate them instead of just taking people at face value.
I'm sorry, realsom, if I dont understand what's happening in your country but the most I read about it was to do with in-fighting there. sorry.
go off then....have your mannners!
Where there is respect and justice...there is peace..
u are showing good manners and good ethics by personal attacks and name calling.
i will not respond to ur unnecessary shyat talk as I am not in league with u.
the world is horrible at the moment and it's not just West against East. It's the East is East against East and SOME of the East asks for help from the West.
The West is sometimes a tad ahead in terms of how the East treat their own.
It's disgraceful what's happening in the world today! But the most disgraceful isn't happening in Europe anymore - it WAS a few decades ago, but not now and we learnt from it.
The worst stuff is what Asia is doing to itself.
India is on the way up.
So is China.
I prefer to go with India because I think China is more interested in Globe domination and I trust India to be nice about it.
Security beefed up at churches in Dubai
16 March 2008
DUBAI - In what seems to be for the first time in the UAE, Dubai Police have
started checking Christian churchgoers in Jebel Ali and Oud Metha from
Police said the move was to ensure security as a huge number of people were
expected to visit churches because of the Christian holy week starting from
today and leading to Easter.
On Friday, police did not allow any churchgoers to drive their cars near to
the churches.
Police also checked the bags of people entering the churches.
In Jebel Ali, according parishioners, police arranged special buses for
commuting them to the church from a nearby supermarket.
Similarly, police closed down all the parking lots near the churches in Oud
Metha and insisted that the parishioners must park their vehicles at a
All the byroads leading to the churches were also closed and several
policemen were at the entrance of each church in the vicinity.
Entrances of some churches were closed. Officers were searching bags and
frisking visitors.
Dr Jamal Mohammed Al Merri, Deputy Commander-in- Chief of Dubai Police said
that they could send police officials to check on people, especially during
celebrations and events when there could be a huge gathering at one place.
Certain measures had to be taken to ensure people's safety and security on
special occasions and festivities.
Asked whether there was any specific threat, Al Merri said there was no such
threat but the police needed no specific time for carrying out checks.
"Our aim is not to disturb people while celebrating or worshipping, but is
to ensure their safety. "We are checking all locations and every person,
regardless of his religion, race or social background," said Al Merri.
He said the people should not worry and it was just a normal security
measure being taken whenever there was a big gathering to ensure smooth
traffic movement and also to monitor the parking areas.
Most parishioners were grateful for the police presence but some others said
they hesitated to enter the churches when they saw police manning the gates.
Holy Trinity Church Pastor Wilcharles Lyimo said, "It seems there're some
security issues."
"It's not worrying though. It (police presence) is good for us if there are
any security issue. Those who are committed to church will come."
Long-serving pastors and church staff said there had never been a police
presence or security issue surrounding Dubai churches before.
Churches said they had been informed that the police would be around for
about a week or till it deemed necessary.
St Mary's Church Reverend Father Freddy de Souza said they had not noticed
any concern among parishioners.
Dalal Abougaber, who volunteers at both the St Mary's Church and Jebel Ali
churches, said parking and traffic safety was causing more of a concern
because cars were allowed in the vicinity of the churches.
"In Jebel Ali, there are buses to pick up people up from where they have
parked their vehicles and drop them at the church," she said.
A preacher in St Francis Church in Jebel Ali said, "Police are doing their
duty and they know what they do. We are thankful for their presence."
George Sebastian, a parishioner, said, "I have been visiting churches for
the past 10 years. This is the first time police are checking people at the
entrance of the church."
Oh no Jauntie. Somalian rebels forced them to flee from america or else they knew he is gonna spoil somali's name by his rubbish in america.
jaunte Mr Paul answered....the three words...
Where there is respect and justice...there is peace..
jaunte... I said we have no churches ...
Mr Paul who is the Yanks? are they humans? really I am honesty :)
Where there is respect and justice...there is peace..
it wasnt the USA, was it!
I thought they were fighting amongst themselves!
y only yanks. Can u care to tell me who does he love ????????
He beat me to it..
that you had no churches
burned them all down?
Thats why he hates Yanks....
"we dont have churches in our country"
and, now, with a church in Qatar this means KSA is the only country in the WORLD which doesnt have a Christian Church
I feel really sorry for the King of Saudi - his father (I think) make a pledge with the Mullahs many decades ago, and he's stuck with the outcome of that.
Forgive me if I have this wrong, but I think it was something like that.
Jaunte no I am not Saudi... I am Somali....
Where there is respect and justice...there is peace..
those are padded rooms just so that the inmates wont hurt the walls hepls in keeping the walls dent free
that was a good one. rubber ones. LOL
I am off to let the tiger out for a run now and just now ferocious I ge t in the traffic lol. Nut cases are hard to heal but Rumailah has rubber rooms for them lol
lol sk
uold man. TCOM
brown ones are yummieh.
hmmm how did i forget about bunnies looks like i am not getting any younger
CB. realsome desperately needs a neuro doctor.
PLZ PLZ PM him/her the relevemt info.
Hez out of mind and always beats around the bush without any sense at all.
there are lots pf hot chicks around dont worry about the hatching part
dgood afternoon CB ... i dont know about their celebration
Well I dont have problem with Christians and I dont know why it should be dangerous that I dont care about church ...is there any reason?
Christians lived in my country and we had no problem but we dont allow our soil to be build on church....
and well its good for you if you are mentally fit but you always seem so provokating dont know what motivates you....peace.
Where there is respect and justice...there is peace..
He can be thankful he is not in the OPD right now or he might be seeing stars never mind churches lol
TCOM: and run after which chicks to hatch the???
i would love to hunt easter eggs
SK lets go hunting easter eggs
I think in the Greek Orthodx they celebrate differently if I am not mistaken.
CB. i think u dont have any patient in OPD or else u wouldnt do TP with realsom
FYI - TP = time pass. hehehehehehe
A. M. Mashayekhi
"well I dont know about your church" well you would be surprised to learn that it is not my church, but this is why you are dangerous because you don't care about it.
I am mentally stable and have lived through a revolution already so nothing can shock me that easily but you antagonise people and you place propoganda on QL this is what make you dangerous.
If Islam is your life then make your life only and don't involve others who may not want it plain and clear.
Your country may not have a church but it will not stop Christians from living there!!!!
check your inbox the next days.
should i change the heading to family reunion. LOL
we celebrate together.after long time will meet my sis again.juppieh.
you also celebrating there in Doha?
so what is it ? do you want me to care about the church and dream about it at night? i have important stuff to do .
buddy have rest, i know india you wont tell me about it .... and incapablity is with the people who worship the idols and switch their faith several times a year.
Where there is respect and justice...there is peace..
common SG.
By now I am used to all this in QL. doesnt effect me anymore.
BTW: happy easter to u too. where is my easter cake ??????
wish you and your family a happy Easter too SG
Whats planned for Easter
realsome: ""lol sounds funny, Islam, Church, dangerous...what are you talking about? where is the danger here?
well I dont know about your church and i dont care""
this is dangerous and ur incapability to digest other view points.
:-/ let me know how much it costs.i am a bad girl,right?
Realsom1: it is this and the likes of this link that i am referring to
lol sounds funny, Islam, Church, dangerous...what are you talking about? where is the danger here?
well I dont know about your church and i dont care about it because anyway we dont have churches in our country but it sounds you are afraid mentally because I have not mentioned danger in my threads so far.
so calm down,,,, no danger...
Where there is respect and justice...there is peace..
and lot of sweets and eggs for all.
Relsom: remember India has 2nd largest number of muslims in any country on this planet. think well before u say something like that.
And yes, I am proud to be an Indian. But, y am i saying all this to u. u are incapable of understanding living in a cosmopolitan and believing in living with harmony with all other faiths and religions.
please first let it be summer,cos i miss it soooooo much.have enough of wintertime and cold.grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
easter weekend or holy week
and well I can understand your cry out of this topic, since your profile says you are from india.... I know there is many so called religions in india where science doesnt fit in anyway.
so sorry for you, now you can worship the sun or the mountains because its so easy for you guys to switch.
Where there is respect and justice...there is peace..
Is it Easter already my goodness nearly time to buy Christmas presents again lol.
Thank you for coming to my rescue but I let my tiger out of the cage to him today, he is just plain dangerous - it is not just his posts because it is not about Islam and the problem is who he may infect with his propoganda - this is worrying. You may have heard that the Church opened here this week and it came under random threats of terroists so his stuff is dangerous.
skd you dont need to tell me what to do ... I will tell you what to do , go and edit your thread and write P.S people cant comment.
Where there is respect and justice...there is peace..
off from friday till monday.how about you?any plans for the easterweekend?
swissy you are right but this is also not her thread....so she cant tell me to get lost.. so be justice.
Where there is respect and justice...there is peace..
Realsom: ur punch line doesnt match with any of ur posts till date anywhere in QL. do i need to specify further more for what u need to do...... ?
thats not nice.so please in the name of peace go back to your own toppic.
I had a very good weekend - I managed not to go on the trip (sorry) as some people came to tidy up and do some handwerkliche arbeit at my home and they did not finish in time - but things were cleaned up fantastically and now I am happy.
However, the fight for life started this morning at 05.30 am again and will gon on till Thursday evening. lol then the tiger returns to its cage
CB sounds fair, since we are comparing science with religion in this thread its the perfect place for me , and since you dont like these garbage i guess it would be best for you to leave here and get lost.
Where there is respect and justice...there is peace..
Canarybird: I second ur appeal. I AM WITH U FOR THAT
for goodness sake please take your garbage elsewhere and you book of magic tricks and I really mean it go and get lost.
here is a lazy and relaxing sunday for me.
I get first released from my cage at 3 pm and then I can be the tiger I want to be - no sleep for the wicked lol
How can someone differentiate religion, science and humans from each other, its like cutting one of your legs.
so they all relate to each other and there is no best religion but there is true path and true religion.
Where there is respect and justice...there is peace..
guys... whoz she SG????
how can she forget beautyful Doha?
SG, thought u back to Doha yet? u still at home huh???
My Dear Mila,
Dont u know SG is in Swiss... Hmmmmmmmmmm. dont know if shez come back here.
would be very relaxing and you will feel much better after it.
Hi Mila.
I got wot u saying. But it is a bouncer too. as i am feeling sleepy.
How are u dear and whatz new??
SG and SK, you both come to bowling tomorrow nite? sorry hijack ur topic SK, just short question. hihihihi
Religion is the best thing ever happend to Human race, but when in open public where some have different religion, is not appropriate to talk about it, unless you are in the open forum among yourselves.
SG. good morning to u lady.
I am in afternoon. had lunch and am feeling foucking sleepy
or better afternoon,right?how are you today?