I just got done with a haircut and got home and cried. Marie butchered my hair!!!!! It was beautiful-long and lush and now it's choppy, too short, uneven. I could have done a better job myself! It wasn't until I got home that I reliezed JUST how bad it was when my husband and 2 twin 18 yr old girls stood with their mouths open, in shock..
she attempted to do a haircut while i got a pedicure!! i told her no- to wait until i finished. this made her mad. well, sorry to throw off the schedule, but i deserve a cut- full attention the prof. way without her having to work around the pedicure chair and foot bucket on the floor she is just no good. and, the lady next to me hated her hair TOO!!
whyyyy did she have to screw up my hair, i'm so sad. it's just hair, i know, but i feel so ugly now. |
Not any Lebanese or philipinos know how to handle blonde hair here in Qatar.It is not their fauld, they just are not used to that and dammage hair very easy and they cut it not good eather - it looks like cuted with a knife... The experians and the training is nessesary fordifferant hair, aspcially nort european and scandinavian hair. If you still didn't find a good hairdresser her in Doha and you want to have your hair cuted as back at home or even better pls contact me on [email protected] I will happy to help you. Nora
That was bad hair day!
Thank you for that :) sure I will let you know :)
4795945 They are all very good, not cheap but at least they listen to you. There is a new stylist called Stecey, she did my colour and it is brilliant! Good luck, please let me know how you get on
Jasmine! Have you got their Tel. number? I mean the Riviera Gardanes Salon, I have heard alot about them many times but I couldn't find any contact number for them!
I am so sorry for you, I once had most of my long hair removed by a revolting man at the Diplomatic Club and I paid about 400QR for the privelige.
Go to the Salon at Riviera Gardens to get it sorted out, they are all UK trained stylists and are brilliant. I had the best colour ever last week, I have been there 3 times and always walked out very happy. Good luck.
Man Sues Doctors After Penis Amputated
The lawsuit states that Patterson received consent to perform a circumcision and only a circumcision, and that Seaton did not consent to his penis being remove
a manicure, pedicure.... don't foregt breastfeeding at the same time also
I don't see anything wrong with a person posting their experiences....isn't that what forums are for? If Marie Claire is the owner of the salon, then to whom was she supposed to complain? If it had been another stylist, then she could have probably gotten it fixed by the owner at no charge.
I feel for you, and all others who have had nightmare hair experiences.
Veni, Vedi, Visa ~ I came, I saw, I shopped
Jesus Christ Alexa what did you have done? that it cost 6000 qataries? Im shocked... Did they use gold plated scissors or what? where did you go? so I can avoid it.
Im comming over to doha in jan and was concerned about the beauti salons... now that I have read some posts I think i will only get my hair cut done in the uk.... meaning 1 cut a year as opposed to my one cut every 6 weeks! I think doha is going to strss me out... one not finding a reasonable place to live price being the biggest issue 2nd not finding a good facial threader and 3rd not having a good hairdresser....Im so depressed...what am i to do im such a girlie..... as for the poor girl whos hair was butchered by Marie Claire I think us expats should set our own salons.
Nice hair style! just what women need to see to remind us we should watch out with this Saloon habit! better be careful! before what happen to justanotherblonde happens to us!
It's great 2 b loved!
have heard alot of good things abt vicky and the hair salon.will have to try her one of these days but at the moment am happy with my hairdresser
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
Ladies maybe you should try Salon in Al Dana club. Vicky the hairstylist is very nice and very competent. one time i screwed up my hair with bad curl from elegance salon and i go there hoping that she can make it bigger curl/nicer. and she examine my hair and said.. your hair now is under to much stress and fragile. not good giving more curl will damage the hair. and at the time i was so desperate and ready to pay anything to make it right. but her comments is make me realised that we need to protect our hair once awhile not just for fashion and trendy style. since then i go there for any trim or hair cut and so far is been great.
Everybody is right and Everybody is wrong, its depend where you stand
i hope marie claire "people" reads this...and do something with their services...
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
Red pope I liked step 3..very funny indeed.LOL
seems like it';s pick on MARIE CLAIRE>just kidding
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
Please ladies, don't use the hair growing treatments. You migh come out looking like the following examples:Full hair restoration processFull hair restoration process step 2Full hair restoration process step 3 AFRO PUFFdENNIS RODMANwolferineThe Red Pope of Qatar Living
Well, I went to few places in Doha and I must say all of them suck!
I have never got a good haircut or colour in this place. they just take crazy amounts of money for a raaaabish work!
If you're looking for a problem, you're probably gonna find one.
you time you made my laugh man...
This Too Shall Pass.....
[img_assist|nid=71431|title=magic ring|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
pope the result would be the pedicurist , manicurist and hair stylist would definately suffocate or they would just pass out>
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
Come on Jauntie, I know, the idea of selling wigs catches your attention. Specially for helping any of those Doha victims of barbershops and beauty parlors saboteurs hand offs. The next time that I'm having my haircut, I'm going to try out a manicure, pedicure and the haircut all at the same time while I'm sitting using a toilet. I was wondering, what would be the results? The Red Pope of Qatar Living
must be really bad...have you submitted a formal complaint?...attach the before and after hair pics of yours...
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
The advert is for a pair of those straightening hair irons some of us gals use, the advertisement gave the following details about iron:
Ceramic/ Tourmaline Travil Iron
Retractable Plates
Heats to 200 degrees C
For Straightning and curling everywhere
Straightening and curling EVERYWHERE??? YIKES!
Oh well, I suppose it beats platting those underarm strands - and that's as far as I'm prepared to go with this subject ..... hmmm?
for now my hairs fine thank you DaRuDe......gimme say another 15-20 yrs or so then i may need the goat but for now i aint lookin>brushes long hair aside
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
dont you forget you got a head too fully covered with hairs so next turn could be urs :D try looking for a goat then :D
hmmmm a hairless blonde..... wat a sight indeed
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
the chick at the saloon liked blondie hairs so she just trimmed them all for her self.
now our justanotherblon is hairless
lol>DaRuDe.......good luck to her and the white stallion and how did blondie become bald??and if she is bald why is she called blondie should have been baldie>me bad
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
looking for a white horse to cut her tail and fix them on her bald head :D
hmmm where is 'blondie'? after aisha's comment and suggestion 'blondie' dissappeared?sometimes i wonder are some ppl for real or not.......
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
I believe its time to have a small business in selling wigs.My favorite one is the one that the Parliament members use in the UK, quiet handsome they look. Colonial StyleSanford styleweird styleThe Red Pope of Qatar Living
You hurt my feelings! :( and just when I complimented you on being vermin.
It's quite ironic, you mirror someone you often criticize on QL...actually you two deserve each other. From now on offending you is a badge I will wear with honor. Now if you had any shred of self-respect left (doubt it!) you will crawl back into your little hole ( frankly you dont even deserve that!). Those on QL that know me in real life, and there are plenty, will never think lowly of me as they do of you (perhaps one or two might disagree). Anyway, good night vermin.
You have proven to be just as offensive as me--well done to you!!
No I dont think her behavior was disgusting. I think you're behavior is disgusting. I actually thought better of you too, guess that makes me a bad judge of character as well....oh well I learn from my mistakes. Must be difficult being skin is crawling just thinking about it...I really wonder why they let vermen like you into this country? where's airsupply with his pifpaf when you need him?
show the same disgusting behavior
>>so you admit her behavior was disgusting??
Yes well will forget jainties comment of making fun of a new comer wont we?? Which she has done numerous times.
tsk I thought better of you bajesus-making fun of others is heartless and cruel!!!!!!!!!!
lightheartness my ***---something you wont admit--- of course!!
What about you? you jumped out of nowhere with not so much as a word from god knows how long just to aggravate Jauntie? You must be a real bad judge of character because she's one of the most genuine, nicest women you could ever hope to meet in life. And no, if in your warped way of thinking you say well ofcourse she must be nice to me because Im Qatari, well let me tell you she treats everyone with equal respect and kindness, something you've never shown on QL. How do you expect me to believe you treat people kindly, help labourers and speak for the helpless when you're constantly being rude and hateful to others on QL? If indeed what people say on a website indicates their true colors then you must be a horrible person. I initially thought some of your posts were valid and actually made sense to me but when you judge others and accuse them of things then go on and show the same disgusting behavior, you completely contradict yourself.
lighthearted comment
>> your deluding yourself-- go back and read how vicious your comment sounded!!!
To say your not biting and then to respond is outrageous!!!!
Come on and admit ypur response was for your 'dignity' on QL jauntie- (what might others think of me) if I dont set myself straight!!
tsk just another sheep!!
just leave people alone
I think if you read back you will see that justanotherblonde took no offense at my lighthearted comment.
" justanotherblon... said yes yes, LOL ...
i'm not ok!!! :-(
I want to warn others!! "
It's seems to be only YOU who feels the need to make problems here. justanotherblonde took what I said in the spirit it was intended i.e. she must have been upset to immediately register to air her grievance and I can't say I blame her for that.
Try winding someone else up, renee, I'm not biting.
register on QL just to vent your rage about a hair cut is something inDEED !
is it to you jauntie why people join QL? If it is to vent or tell jokes, or to
join for 5 minutes what gives you the right to judge this person? Really
jauntie you sound so arrogant and too settled in QL for your own good!! Nice
way to make someone feel welcome!!
You must
look ghastly! lol
you unfortunately happen to go through the horror of getting a bad haircut,
which most people don’t find humorous, I hope you are able to laugh it off as
you have done so openly on QL.
but I don't think (even if I had the worst haircut in the world done to me)
that I would register on a forum just to tell strangers about it.
So what, we all have to be like you? You undermine this poor women, laugh at
her because you consider yourself a ‘senior’ now on QL and make fun of who you
like. I have news for you jauntie. This is a public forum and if you don’t have
anything remotely nice to say, why bother to post?? Leave this poor woman
joined QL, 26 mins ago, just to say this? wowweeee
you must feel so superior. The arrogance and pessimistic behaviour of some just
proves that you need to get a life!!
let smart asses like this deter you from QL. There are decent people on here,
and for the record your post was fine. I don’t know any woman who wouldn’t be
outraged by a bad haircut besides jauntie. Is best to ignore people like
that and post whatever you want on here!!!
You ok?
>> The qustion is are you ok jauntie???
good idea! zohaer21 is right! show us the pic, for us to see, how bad is your hair cut.
It's great 2 b loved!
not to hijack the topic.. beauty is in the eye of the beholder.. so post a pic after the hair cut so we all can judge... i mean with you saying is only heresay .. we need proof!!!
sorry to hear the sad story , anyway you can do an extension but never ever go to her anymore cheer-up don't let it ruin your day, remember beauty is in the eye of the beholder
You mean to say, this people who work in this saloon are sheep shearer? Dear, oh! dear. Thanks for the warning!
It's great 2 b loved!
I go to MC also and have had 2 good experiences. No problems and I plan to go back.
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
no just leave them at home when you come next time :D
i will make sure staying away from you on our next outing. Or do i need to get restraining order for you?
you really do need a hair cut novi :D
i am fine with my hair DaRuDe, Marie Clare did a good job on my hair. Dont u dare to ruin it
i need a grass cutter for your and alexa and oryx hair :?
alexa, you hair already nice as it is, no need to do anything ...
oryx ... which london beauty salon you went? i used to go there but stopped because i find it the staffs there rather in the nosey side ... (the one in Ramada)
where r u from?
are you a chinese?
your husband working where?
your husband salary how much?
i know they never ask this question to non-asian customer
While in Marie Clare the staffs just quiet and get on with their work ... maybe ask me 1 or 2 question but then thats it. I guess because MC also working on the premises the staffs there more on the ball and polite.
as for mani and pedi, i given up on that, a waste of money for me because of my cinderella part time job at home
Novita thats great...... but I am jealous... the salon I like is in Tiblisi, Georgia!
I just go to get mine cut by Annie at London Beauty Salon....
I think they do good pedicures/manicures/threading there at v. reasonable prices.
no offence taken oryx, i still go to MC till something goes wrong and i will move somewhere else lol
DaRuDe ... r u ready to cut blonde's hair?
No joke a bad "do" can put you in a really bad mood. A few years back I went to a very posh salon in London and came out looking like a smaller, female version of Ronald McDonald. My hair was so carroty red my friends made fun of me and decided it appropriate to put on sunglasses when around me, day and night. I would think this professional will want to do right by you and I'm sure will do so given the opportunity. It appears to me that Doha has a smallish beauty community so a bad reputation would be avoided. Not to diminish your agony, it really is only hair and the beauty of that is it always grows back. Good luck!
I have know Marie Claire about 17 years now, so I called her just now to tell her about your complaint. She said she did not remember you, nor has she had a client today who had a pedicure aswell as a haircut at the same time....... Nor did she have anybody that complained to her. Are you sure you went to Salon Francaise? Anyway Marie Claire would love to see you to see what she did wrong. She is a proffesional and has been in the cutting business for decades....the only time she would cut a lot more than needed is when a person has lots of split ends and gets rid of those....was that your case. Anyway, if you are not satisfied, let the person concerned know about the bone you have to pick. Rather than........
Women's version:
Woman2: Oh! You got a haircut! That's so cute!
Woman1: Do you think so? I wasn't sure when she gave me the mirror.
I mean, you don't think it's too fluffy looking?
Woman2: Oh God no! No, it's perfect. I'd love to get my hair cut like
that, but I think my face is too wide. I'm pretty much
stuck with this stuff I think.
Woman1: Are you serious? I think your face is adorable. And you could
easily get one of those layer cuts - that would look so cute
I think. I was actually going to do that except that I was
afraid it would accent my long neck.
Woman2: Oh - that's funny! I would love to have your neck! Anything to
take attention away from this two-by-four I have for a shoulder
Woman1: Are you kidding? I know girls that would love to have your
shoulders. Everything drapes so well on you. I mean,
look at my arms - see how short they are? If I had your
shoulders I could get clothes to fit me so much easier.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Men's version:
Man2: Haircut?
Man1: Yeah.
Well guess what Mr DaRuDe.......
I got it done WONDERFULLY by a babushka when I was holiday in Georgia!
In Tblisi! I walked in the spoke English.... I was choosing the hair colours but no - Babushka had already decided on the colour and mixed them and started slapping them on!
She styled my hair so nicely and the colour was great!
I got a pedicure and manicure too..... the full treatment cost me just over 120QR!
When they had uprisings with the elections I thought a lot about babushka and the salon.
Thank you!
oryx got pretty hair wonder where she gets them done and with what?
do i look like a barber to you chick :?
no i get my beard trimmed :D
i went to MC and I was most unimpressed....
she literally cut my style nothing. Sorry Novita - i value your opinion but on this matter we will agree to disagree :)
Poooooooorrrrrrrrrr you.... i am sensitive about my hair if mine got butchered like that I would be depressed.
Just have to wear it up till it grows back.
Poor you.
it's better to pay to have it done right the first time.
if they mess u up, then u have to pay to fix it.
<td hei
yes, horses don't want to look like complete MOPS either, so i guess i'm in trouble.
thanks for offering though! i don't want the poor horses to end up like me.
now, where can i go to fix this? you you cut hair, darude?
<td hei
sometimes when you want quality work done you have to be willing to fork out some extra money. My sisters don't get their hair cut or colored regularly but when they spend a little extra cash they're satisfied with the results. Furthermore, I'm sure money isn't an issue for you if you really want something. ;)
My dear new QL member welcome to Qatarliving
and its Da Ru de
well i have to take permission from the horse b4 he kicks me jaw :?
coz they also like their beauty :D
LOL well, i'll take a black pony tail over what i've got.. it may take several horses to fix my damaged mane.
when can i get the locks of love from the horses? LOL
<td hei
i know u like her..i've seen your comments on QL b4...
but i just can't believe this.
yes, let's see what marie says. i would like an apology at the least.
i will now have to pay AGAIN to go have someone fix my hair.
<td hei
but you are blondie and all the horses are black :D with black long tail
blonde, at least she did not cut your SOH ...
yes please! that's what it would take to fix this hair!!
<td hei
bajesus ... my pocket not as thick as yours i am afraid
i am feeling for you blonde, the reason i always goes to her because she always cut my hair perfectly. Rather on the steep side for my pocket but i always come out happy.
i tried few othe saloon before sticking around with MC, and they never cut my hair as i want it. And then i tried MC and never have complain ever since.
go to Danielle Bejjani salon. My sister just got her haircut there and she looks amazing. Its a bit on the pricey side but wirth every penny!
my friend at his farm got horses
do you want me to get any of the horse's tail for you :D
hey ... i have Marie Clare e-mail on her card. I hv posted the link of this thread to her. Will see what happen.
i'm not ok!!! :-(
I want to warn others!!
<td hei
to register on QL just to vent your rage about a hair cut is something inDEED !
You must look ghastly! lol
Sorry, but I don't think (even if I had the worst haircut in the world done to me) that I would register on a forum just to tell strangers about it.
You joined QL, 26 mins ago, just to say this? wowweeee
You ok?
of course i tried to complain to her! she was very rude. i have heard from others that she is not good, but novita i have seen your comments on qatarlving b4. so i thought-hey, at least somebody has a positive comment.
the lady next to me hated her hair too...
can u believe she tried to cut my hair while i GOT A PEDICURE?!? i mean, who does that??
so unproffesional.
i look like a mop.
<td hei
did u complained to her? i being her customer for the past 3,5 yrs and so far so good.