How to reduce screen time for children

None of us could have imagined finding ourselves in a situation where we were suddenly unable to do many of the things part of our routine life due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
As hybrid and distance learning models have been adapted for children around the globe, many children are now incorporating more screen time.
Hence, it is much more important to reduce screen time for children for the rest of the day.
It is not easy to set limits on electronics for children. So here we have put together a few tips to help you trim your children’s screen-time:
1. Set the expectation with your children
It is important to make your children understand that you are setting boundaries for the whole family for screen time. In that way, they will not feel that you are targeting them and they are more likely to follow the rules you set for them.
2. Cutting screen time
Do not directly cut the screen time. Be reasonable and start by cutting the screen time by half from the current screen time.
For example, if children are spending leisure time on the screen such as watching TV, playing video games, playing games on tablets, you can start by setting smaller goals.
3. Give attention
Once they are finished with schoolwork (online classes or assignments), spend time talking with them about their day and other things.
4. Create a “technology-free” zone
It is quite easy to create a “technology-free” zone at home by simply setting rules for no electronics in the kitchen or inside the dining hall. In that way, the whole family can unplug from electronics and spend quality time during lunch/ dinner.
5. Encourage your children for activities
Encourage your children to play outdoors, play a board game, sketch, and color. There are many fun and educational board games available on market.
6. Reading a storybook
Book is a great way to keep children busy. Allow them to pick up their favorite books from the bookstore and they will most likely prefer reading over screen time.
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this is a nice to do something productive with the kids. it brings joy and happiness. after all the work, the effort to make money are for the kids only.
Yeah it's look easy,but I saw many parents gives I pads,mobiles and TV to get rid of baby attention and do their work.which is extremely cautionary act.
It is so easy .... yes ...........