2000+ sallary and food have been cut off by lekhwiya and other military gov branches. For those who were already suffering. Specifically expats. Non qataris lives have become more dire than ever before in qatar. Yet qatar provides billions of dollars to other countries for aid. Could this be a scheme set to fix the mistake qatar made by showing off to the whole world how when they increased everyones income 4 months ago... And now that they have realised their mistake n losses they r trying to gain it back by making non-qatari people suffer. Seems as tho this is just the beginning of the fall of the dream country.
onefree113: Molten has been posting such rubbish for over a decade now. In the past she loved to misguide, give false hopes to people but she has toned that down now. Just scroll down QL page for today and see for yourself the nonsense she has posted.
"We must remain thankful for our sponsors till our last breath"
Are you serious dude?
Is that your notion of being loyal, because it looks to me like a load of A$$ kissing...
Beside, will your sponsor provide for you until his last breath?
Dude, get some dignity and stop encouraging exploitation by promoting injustice...
And next time, when you write a comment, make sure to read it twice before sending it because it is embarrassing....
The show must go on. Individual lives don't matter much in politics.
Mum, Everything that happens is for our good ........ Have high regard for our sponsors ........ they brought us here , gave salary and tickets and health insurance ......... We must remain thankful for our sponsors till our last breath .....