QID and New Passport Concerns

Hello There!
Is there someone out here who can help regarding my friends' concern?
So, he got his new passport with the new passport number in it. His QID will expire on 16 Oct 2020, however, his last day at work will be 31 Oct 2020 and going to his home country for good, will be either on 1st and 2nd week of November 2020.
Considering the fact that he have new passport in hand and there will be 90 days Grace period after the QID has expired, and his employer, for sure, will not renew the ID. Will there any issue/s he might to encounter upon his exit with the Immigration here in Qatar going to his home country ? Anyhow, His QID does not require exit permit.
Thank you in advance for your advice and help!
Thank you @goodlittleboy and @c_samuel for your advice. We appreciate it a lot.
Sam, Thanks ................
Hello there,
The movement you got your new passport, the old is of no use. Ask your friend to update is QID details as per new passport number, regardless of departure for good. It's just a common sense Mate.
Suggest he asks his employer to transfer all the RP details from his old passport to the new one. This can be done within a day. The old passport must have been cancelled by his embassy on the issuance of a new one.