Turning Left from straight lane not noticing the left arrow signal is red

hi. yesterday night while driving at C ring road towards toyota signal, I should go left lane on the cinema signal but the was ongoing constrcution and they closed the left lane, so i stayed in on the straight lane left side. When the signal turns green for the straight lane I mistakenly turn left from the straight lane without noticing the red arrow left signal was red. The signal camera flashed and I know I got violation. Is there any possibility to appeal to lower the fine by expalining my side to the traffic department?and where can I go to follow up once I got the penalty?thankyou for hearing from you.
I haven't receive any notice of violation till this date.
Meet the captain at the traffic dept. Explain your situation. There is chance for some relaxation as you told ....... Good luck and prayers ..... Work over time to recover your losses ...... start from tomorrow ......
You will be updated in case if you have any penalty in one week. And if you pay the traffic fine in 30 days you will get a 50% Flat discount.
Try to check via metrash or thru website.
Good Luck