To Take Care of a New Born and Mother

Hi, Im posting this on behalf of my colleague. Need some serious advice and suggestions on this. My Colleague's wife came to Qatar on Onarrival Visa when she was 5-6 months Pregnant, due to COVID she was not able to return and stuck here as she has passed her 9th month now and her delivery date is said to be on10-Jun-2020.
They are helpless at this situation without anyone to take care, and if baby is born they really need someone to take care of the Mother and New born as its their First baby. They cant travel nor bring someone from India. They are from Tamilnadu, India.
What can be done with such situation? Is there anyone to take care of mother and baby staying along with them? Because its not good for the care taker just to come and go everyday having a new born in COVID situation.
Appreciate your valuable suggestions and advice. Thanking you in advance.
There are many new mothers who manage their new born all on their own. Just look at Tamilnadu. Most women back in your country just cannot afford to have a another woman take care of her newborn. They manage all on their own. Having said that, it would no doubt be helpful if someone steps forward to help the new mother. But , I guess you may find it difficult to find someone here in Doha. Hiring a maidservant may prove costly and then they may not be trained on this field. If you are a female, possibly you could step forward and help out.
By the way, you may soon come across a comment at QL by a lady Molten Metal who will promise you to get you someone in "3 days" time. Please don't trust this comment should it appear at QL.