COVID-19: MoPH announces 345 new cases, 46 new recoveries, and 1 death

In today’s COVID-19 statistics, the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) announced that Qatar recorded 345 new cases, 46 new recoveries, and 1 death.
Most of the new cases of COVID-19 are due to people being in contact with existing cases among citizens and residents and a number of the new cases are among migrant workers. Some cases of the virus were discovered among citizens and residents. The newly infected cases have been placed under complete isolation and they are receiving necessary medical care.
The Ministry also announces that a man, aged 59, who was infected with COVID-19, suffered an acute heart attack that led to his death. The Ministry extends condolences and sympathy to the family of the deceased.
46 cases of recoveries were registered, bringing the total cases of COVID-19 in Qatar to 510.
The MoPH states that the noticeable increase in the number of confirmed new cases of infection is due to several reasons, including the fact that the spread of the virus has started to enter into the peak stage, which is the highest wave that affects the country, which may continue to increase for a period before it starts to decline. It is also due to the steady increase in efforts of the MoPH and its medical teams to track the transmission chains of COVID-19 and conduct intensive and proactive investigations of groups of contacts with people who were diagnosed with the disease previously. This has contributed to the early detection of many cases of infection and reducing the spread of the virus.
The total number of tests conducted in Qatar as of today is 60,139.
MoPH calls on all members of society to stay at home and not go out except where absolutely necessary. Ministry of Public Health also requests all members of society to cooperate fully and adhere to all health guidelines and preventive measures to reduce the risk of infection, including sticking to social and physical distancing guidelines.
For any queries, or concerns related to COVID-19 in Qatar, the public can contact a 24/7 hotline set up by the Ministry. The hotline number is 16000 and is toll-free.
Here's everything you need to know about the virus, including ways to protect yourself.
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46 lucky souls are welcome back ........
Sun, 19.04.2020 10.13 hrs