Gratuity Pending

Hello Everyone!! Greetings!! Please i need advice..
I got terminated last July, 2018 withouth receiving any notice from the company. I was informed to report to the HR office and at the same day i got terminated for the reason of Cost Deduction but thats not really the true reason. I have been told from my source that the manager in our department defamed me. HR told me to sign my termination paper dated at the same day, so i signed. The HR told me that they will give me NOC whenever i found a new job.
Now i got a new job with the same field as my previous designation and my sponsorship is already transfered. The previous company called me to sign my gratuity so they can release and send it to my bank account through WPS.
Later, My friends from my previous company wants to join the company where i am working now because the management in their department is getting worst. So they applied and got an offer letter and sent a resignation to their current company. Their resignation is granted, one of them was sent to his home country and came back with new visa and one is granted with NOC because he is local hired.
Now Sir/Madame, Does the previous company have the right to recall me and sign the letter of Company Confidentiality again? and one pharagraph in the letter stating that only after 2 yrs from my termination that i can work same field as my previous job description. and stating also that i can not take people from their company to work in my present employer (take not i did not forced them to come). This is the reason why my gratuity is on pending. Do they have the right to do this to me? Please advice me what to do..
Thank you in advance for the comments and advices.
Good reply from @acchabaccha
Pray hard .......
Good morning sir/madame. Thank you very much this will help me a lot.
The rule is simple. Once your RP has been transferred to a new company, the previous company loses all its controls over you. Just refuse to sign any documents they are asking you to, and they can't do a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g to you now. If they threaten to stop your gratuity, just give them a counter threat telling them you will seek the help of the authorities in recovering your money. Follow this action by sending them an email asking for them to pay you your gratuity immediately. If they refuse, follow up with a another email telling them you will seek the help of authorities in recovering your dues. Keeping things in writing will support you should the matter reach the authorities.
It is evident from your post the HR people at your previous company are not professionals and do not know their job.
Take a bold, manly stand against them. You have nothing to worry about. You will be the winner in the end.