No NOC provided, cancelation of visa and coming back on new visa

By Ehab T S Albelbesi •
I work in bank since 4 years and 3 months on unlimited contract, I've got an offer from another bank.
But my current bank doesn't want to give me an NOC to transfer, can I resign and cancel my residency and leave to my country, then come back on new visa from the new bank.
Noting that I'm Jordanian and the new bank has available new visa for Jordanian nationality
Thanks in advance
@Ehab T S Albelbesi Did you come back ?
Clear your vision , clear your mind .
Do not force your self this much.
Take 3 months time if you have a plan to cure your self.
Tue, 19.03.2019, 08.43 hrs
Tue, 19.03.2019, 08.38 hrs
Accha, If you are under stress then take rest for 3 weeks and come back ...... You decide ....
Tue, 19.03.2019, 08.39 hrs
Just ignore the negativity on your topic @ Accha.
Tue, 19.03.2019, 08.38 hrs
Ehab: It is a matter of your career. Please take matters seriously and go over to Human Rights and follow the information you get from them or talk to someone who really knows. Molten Metal has been misguiding people, giving false hopes, telling lies to QLers for several years and gets some pleasure from doing so. I hate to write something like this about a person, but sometimes I am forced to.
First I want to thank you both for your time and effort, for answering my questions and other people enquiries (as I realized from scrolling down to other people questions).
Secound I think I might consider both opinions and go ask in human rights, then I will resign and go back to my home country and ask the new bank to start visa process.
Anyway thanks again for both of you. :)
Eha, This is the only guy here who writes just to fight with the older members and spoil the new comers.
He tries to fill jealousy in the new comers' minds.
He is doing it for the last 6 plus years.
Just ignore Accha and take decision based on the true info.
Mon, 18.03.2019, 13.18 hrs.
Ehab: Just don't carried over by the comment of Molten Metal who just comments for the purpose of seeing her name appear on the QL page, that's all. Just scroll through the pages over the last two days and you will understand what I am saying. She has been doing this for seven years now.
Now coming to your query, I was not sure of the answer and that is why I stayed away from commenting. But since a woman has tried to misguide you which is she loves to do regularly, from what I know I don't think you will be able come back without NOC. My information says, you will need to complete 5 years in one company to get the NOC requirement waived off. That is possibly the reason why your company is not giving you a NOC. However, as I have stated earlier, I am not sure on this and suggest you check from other reliable sources as well. I suggest you go over to the National Human Rights Committee office and they will advise you best.
Yes, It is possible because your new sponsor is strong. You can come back .... Good luck ......
Mon, 18.03.2019, 07.52 hrs.