Contra international
Contra International stems from a century old business rooted in Lebanon. We started operations in the G.C.C. in 2005 and, since then, we have grown into a multinational, multi-tasked workforce catering for Renewable and Sustainable Energy Industries, Green Building Construction, and home finishing.
Our headquarters are in Lebanon, with fully fledged satellite offices in Qatar and UAE.
Our core business is the design, supply and installation of GREEN Products, Garbage Chutes and Waste Handling Equipment, Linen Chutes, Exhausts, Pumps and Fire Pumps as well as Pre-insulated ducts.
ours Producrts
Waste bins & recycling bins suppliers
ScrubbersTrimerCloud Chamber ScrubberCross Flow ScrubberFan / SeparatorNox ScrubbersTanksVertical Flow ScrubbersVOC ControlWhirl / WetCustom Products
ControllersEATON Fire Pumps ControllersEATON Booster Pumps ControllersCustom Products
Chutes & Exhausts
GREEN ChutesGREENvacSuper ChutesWRAPAROUND Construction ChutesWelded & Firerated ChutesSafety NetsChute HoistsConstruction Debris ChutesGuard RailsPoliedra Exhausts