Following used Measuring Instruments & Meters for urgent sale as it is Condition.. for seeing it contact
Contact -33827836 -Mr. Joish (9-6 PM working days)
It will be sold seperatly or together.. Pricees are Slightly negotiatble
1, Process Calibrator _Fluke 754 -15,000
2, Pressure calbrator - Fluke 717 -3000G -2500
3, Pressure calbrator - Fluke 718 -1 G -2500
4, Pressure Gauge - Fluke 700 RG31 10K -2500
5 Ferule Printing Machine -BIOVIN -S700E - 1500
6 Multimeter -Wether Proof -Fluke-28 II , 240 V -1000
7, Insulation Resistance Meter - Fluke 1507 , 1KV -850
8 Vibration Meter- Fluke 805 -3000
9,Tachometer- Amprobe - 1500
10 , Wlky Talky - KENWOOD UBZ-LJ8 ( lincess free) - 1100
Multimeter, Insulation tester , meter , Megger Etc...
Please contact on 33827836 -Mr. Joish or [email protected]
Doha, Doha
Doha, Doha
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hi sir how much the price of multi meter?