Bringing in Vinyl records
Hi everyone
My wife and I will be starting new jobs in Qatar in 2 months. We're currently working out what to take with us, and what to place in storage. I'm a part-time DJ and have a large vinyl record collection which I'd like to bring with me. However, I understand that there are certain restrictions on 'print materials' (which I understand to include DVDs and CDs) that can be brought into the country. I'm worried about my records (and our books, for that matter) not making it through and being confiscated. I was wondering if you know if these fears are justified or groundless, and what precautions we should take if we do decide to ship these items.
Hi mate, been bringing and buying me records in here for the past 3 years. Yours should be fine, too. I am no DJ but original selector of Ska, Rocksteady and Boss Reggae muzik. Bless up!
I have been bringing here all sort of books except erotic/ related to pornography.
Customs will care. Just make sure you do not bring in items stated by Britexpat plus items that would deal with propaganda, religious or otherwise. Use your common sense and you should be okay.
You should not have any issues - It is common sense really. Qatar is a conservative society, so I would not bring literature / books which may be to do with pronography, anarchy etc
I doubt also whether records would be an issue , unless the songs promote murder and mayhem or shooting of police etc.
Lastly, these items will be in suitcases / cargo (not carry on) , so it is unlikely that customs will care.
Good luck!