Mid Career
7+ Years
Jobseeker Gender
(00974) 77138306
Skype Id:-arifhussain2009
Professional Summary
Versatile Telecommunication Engineer designing installing, Projects coordinator, Operation & Maintenance, implementation and project management. Currently associated with the post of Project coordinator Support and NSS. Expertise in end-to-end development of project and maintenance from customer to vendor body, Documentation and Testing. Demonstrated abilities in analyzing telecom network, evaluating new requirement, solution, troubleshooting for complex telecom management. Escalation of Trouble Tickets under different SLO/SLAs. Deft at carrying out risk analysis, impact analysis, project review for enabling effective solutions leading to high customer satisfaction as well as low operationalcosts.
WajdaInternational Telecom Services W.L.L. QatarLTE/3G/2G/Fire Alarm Dec 2016 – Till Date
Project Coordinator
- Planning the implementation of the project and finish with the target date.
- Proper coordination with in the team to handle the project smoothly.
- Successive Coordinating with Customer for their satisfactory level.
- Deploying the Teams according to the requirement of the customer and their needs
- Site documentation for proper acceptance process after completion ofsite.
- Site acceptance with costumer with allrequirements.
- Installation Supervision, Commissioning and integration of Nokia Flexi BTS, Nokia Ultra siteBTS.
- Line of sight survey andreporting.
- Installation Supervision & testing of Fiber optics patchcords.
- Installation Supervision& testing of Ethernetcables.
- Installation Supervision of Power plants & BatteryBank.
- Fire Alarm and HSSD (High sensitive smoke detection) System
- CCTV/PIDs Camera
- PIDS (Perimeter Intruder Detection System).
- PA/GA (Public Addressing, general alarm/announcement
- ACS (Access control System) and security system
- Boom Barrier and ANPR Camera
- Data Center/TER (Telecom equipment room), Card Reader, Emergency Push button, EBR.
- Electro-magnetic door lock (Safe fail topology)
- FOC layout/Splicing, termination and testing
- Turnkey telecom work.
- Telecom cabling, Cat 6e, Cat 3e, Belden cabling.
- Overall ELV equipment's commissioning and Integration
- BMS Interfaces with other mechanical discipline and Co-ordination for data points.
NokiaSiemensNetwork LTE/3G/2GGSMNetwork April 2014 –Dec2016
Project SiteEngineer
- SiteSurvey,solutionplanningandimplantationofLTElayersforBhartiAirtelnetwork.
- Site survey and Survey (TSSR) reportsHandling.
- Material Request preparation as per solution or based upon approved TSSR bycustomer.
- Site completions with quality in one go to avoid multiple visit of site to avoid wastage of manpower and resources.
- Site completion report preparation and acceptance visit withcustomer.
- Aware about installation and integration of all NOKIAequipments.
- Configuration & testing of media of MW andFiber.
- Supervision of DAS installation & commissioning for 2G & 3Gsystem.
- Configuration & Testing of External Alarms of BTSSites.
- Commissioning and integration of Nokia Flexi BTS, Nokia Ultra siteBTS.
- Installation Supervision& Commissioning of Nokia WCDMABTS.
- Site documentation for proper acceptance process after completion ofsite.
- Troubleshooting of RET, MHA, MDGA, FLHA, FLDA, relatedproblems.
- Work for checking call test,alarms.
- Site acceptance with costumer with allrequirements.
- Line of sight survey andreporting.
- MW commissioning at 18 GHz, 23GHz and 7GHz.
- InstallationSupervisionofNokiaFlexiHopperindoorandoutdoorunits.
- Rectificationoffaultsinvolvedsystematictroubleshooting,logicalapproach,andmeasurements
HuaweiTelecommunication 2G/3GCDMANetwork August 2010 –March2014 NSS ProjectEngineer
- Worked as operations and maintenance Team of HUAWEI CSOFTX3000 BRANDSwitch.
- Management of core network, including Troubleshooting and configuration of MSC andMGW.
- Alarm handling and co-ordination for rectification of the same with the coordination of POI partner to achieve 100% networkavailability.
- Monitoring Checkup of MSC/MSS/MGW. Daily, weekly & monthly Health check ofMSC
- Monitoring MSC, MGW and CDR Back-up on routinebasis.
- Maintaining the database regarding connectivity, DDF details, and E1 portdetails.
- Documentation of daily switchactivities.
- ISUP- Tracing of different routes for troubleshooting and rectify suspected drawbacks in different routes Analysis of Traffic, Congestion and link load for optimum performance and take actionaccordingly.
- Definitions and changing of all type of MSC related data like B-Number Analysis Table, Route Analysis, IMSI number analysis, GT analysis, Routing Case Tables etc. as and whenrequired.
- Modifications in B-Table as per corporate /RAguidelines,
- Network ConfigurationManagement.
- Customer complaintresolution
- Reports Generation and KPIMonitoring
Reliancecommunication2G/3G GSM, CDMA Network May 2007 to August 2010
Transmission Engineer
- Was responsible for Operations &Maintenance Optical Fiber, Communication of Reliance Backbone including STM-4, STM-16 & STM-16 SDH ADD/DROP Multiplexers from Alcatel Equipment1 (1660SM & 1662 SM),HuaweiDWDM.
- Installation and supervision of new NLD backbonesite.
- Responsible for Huawei Mux, ECI, Aalcatel- STM-1,4,16,64level.
- Management of Manpower and resources within region to reducedowntime.
- Check & resolve the External and internal alarm ofNLD.
- Maintenance of Optical Fiber Cable & Fault finding in the OFC cuts using testing instrument like OTDR, Optical Power Meter, Laser Source etc. also solutions within specified MTTR of 4hr
- ExposuretobothSDH(SynchronousDigitalHierarchy)&PDH(PlesiochronousDigitalHierarchy)inprovisioning ofE1’s.
- Fault diagnosis and trouble-shooting of down BSC and BTS (CDMA+ GSM)sites.
- To co-ordinate with field engineers on solutions to troubleshoot and repair complex circuits, equipment configuration, optical link losses, hardware faults and PDHfaults.
- Diversely Routed Network Critical E1s to overcome failure in case of Multiple Fiber cuts and/or hardware failure to increaseResiliency.
- Alarm monitoring, BTS Maintenance & fault analysis and getting the required corrective work to ensure non- repetition offaults.
- Reporting daily work status & progress report to senior level on phone andmail.
- Network ConfigurationManagement.
Integrated Wireless Solution New Delhi 2G GSM Network March 2005- April 2007
BTS Engineer
- As a BTS Engineer the team of Junior Engineer’s and Technician carrying out the followingactivities…
- Commissioning and Integration of Nokia BTS Ultra Indoor, Outdoors and in Microwave 1000, 1001 PDHLink.
- Responsible for site integration and quality of NOKIA BTS (Ultra and FlexiBTS)
- Installation of GSM RFAntenna.
- Making E1 connection from Transmissionpositions.
- Handle and analyze alarm issued by thesystem.
- Responsible for installation, commissioning & integration of NOKIABTS.
- Fault identification & replace the faultyCard.
- VSWR & DTF tests of RF feeders using BIRD SiteMaster
- Stability Test of Commissioned Site time as per requirement by E1Tester
- Preparation of weekly site status report for management and co-ordination withcustomer
- B.E. in Electronics & Communication from Magadh University, Bodh Gaya in the year 2003 September from Maulana Azad College of Engineering and Technology, Patna affiliated under Magadh University, Bodh Gaya, Bihar, is covering throughout firstclass.
- MBA (Marketing Management) distance Education from Vinayaka Missions University, Salem, Tamilnadu, India
in 2010
- Telecommunications &Wireless
- ProjectManagement and VendorManagement
- Preparation and co-ordination with designing time for AFC (Approved for construction) drawing.
- Material Submittal, Method Statement
- Raising RFI (Request for Inspection) for Mock-ups, Material Inspection and Work acceptance.
- Supporting in sub-contractual agreement and invoicing.
- Follow up with Pre-commissioning and commissioning procedure
Telecom Technologies
- Microwave; SDH; PDH; MUX; Router; CRM; GPRS;OFC ; PIU,IBS Sites, BTS, eNodeB
- PS Core; CS Core; SS7; ISUP; Interface; Protocol;MSC;MGW
- PS Core and CS Core:- Huawei (Csoft3000 and UMG8900);Nokia ( DX200); Alcatel LucentECP
- Transmission Microwave and MUX Media:- OFC ;NEC; MARCONI; NORTEL;FIBCOM;CIRAGON;NOKIA
- DateofBirth - 25th Dec,1980
- PassportDetails - K7605225 ( 07 November 2012 to 06 November2022)
- VisaStatus - Working Visit Visa valid until 7thMay2017
- LanguagesKnown - English, Urdu,Hindi
- · MaritalStatus - Married