Car speed fine over limit

By abou_dani_ •
Dear all, i need your help, in case you get a speed fine 180km/hour where the max speed is 120 km/hour , what will be the fine and is there any solution ?
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Never worry in the life .....
Worry is using your imagination to create what you don't want .
that what you said
In most cases, if the speeding fine is more than QAR1,000, it will be a court case. They will also investigate if you were racing with another motorist. If it becomes a court case, you will be getting a call from the police.
It is pointless panicking .. Wait a few days .. If you get a message then go plead your case to The Captain
Just wait and you may soon get a message on your mobile if there has been a violation. You can also keep checking the MOI website regularly and the information will get posted if there is penalty against you. I guess you will only need to pay the fine if any and there should not be any court attendance.
to be honest no , but i am afraid about the non fixed radars , which i think i was flashed by it, all what i need to know , how such case is covered by the traffic law ?
Are you certain you were flashed?
what would be the fine and is there will be any court
The solution is to never let you drive again.
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