This 'three-second driving rule' may save your life some day!

In my 10 years of living in Doha, one of the most consistent gripes I’ve heard people say is about the ‘bad driving’ within the city. People can sometimes be in a hurry, especially when they are stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic.
But impatience doesn’t help anybody. All it does is harm and take life. At QL, we’re concerned about a driver’s safety. So here’s something called the ‘three second rule’ to keep in mind when driving.
Have you ever wondered how much distance you need to keep between yourself and the car before you in order to avoid sudden slowdowns or stops? While driving situations may vary, the ‘three second rule’ is a common tool used by drivers.
It’s a simple way to double-check that you’re driving at a safe following distance.
Choose a fixed point that is even with the car in front of you (a road sign, for example). If you reach that same fixed point before you can count to three, then you’re driving too close to the car ahead and you need to fall back a little.
If the road is wet, icy, curvy, or visibility is limited, then you’ve to increase your following distance as you’ll need more time and space to stop.
Don’t be bothered by what other drivers might think about you leaving a gigantic gap. It’s your safety and life.
While this may not always be possible in Doha (and there’s always a chance of another vehicle trying to get in the gap… been there, experienced that), try to follow it as much as possible. Here's a short video explaining the rule.
Safe driving, everyone.
Hat Tip: Prashant SC
Big thanks to you for reminding us on defensive driving, it is all about our safety, But how can someone slow down without reason, Fine is also waiting for the person because it was mentioned in the new law that "slow down without reason" is either 300qr or 500qr....
Sometimes its the parking in roadside & flashing light stops that are more annoying than bad driving. Most of the time, the backside of the vehicle is on the road.
"If the road is wet, icy, curvy, or visibility is limited .....
How often do we get icy roads in Qatar ?
irrelevant, tripe, etc
If anybody want to know more about driving just keep speed track and keep aloud speed within few second you will see the flash from your back side car ... Most of people's are afraid this situation ... But in my experience just cam down and let him go ..because we are in his own road
I wonder why people always blame the locals for bad driving. The major majority of Qatar is expats.. and i've seen some realy lousy expat drivers in my time
Cream tease: Being a good driver in its literal sense, is different from being a law abiding or considerate one...i feel the majority of locals are decidedly better drivers than the majority of expats... They're playful with the rules but as someone who is on the roads all the time; I'd rather deal with a local that knows where the four corners of his car are and speeds; than an expat that has no clue where his car begins and ends and who drives 60 in the fast lane....
I wonder how many locals here consider their selves good drivers and what would be their pass rate if they took their driving test in the UK.
'only a fool breaks the 3 second rule' As we were taught in the UK. So true. But as Armor10 says you leave a 3 second gap and that's enough for 2 Land Cruisers and a badly driven Kia Piccanto.
You can't leave space to drive safely here. Doesn't work.
It actually doesn't work here. The space your describing I call "The Land Cruiser Pocket." You can leave that space open but it doesn't do any good once a Lancruiser darts into it forcing you to slam on you're brakes, or rear end it.