Rat on board forces London-bound Air India plane to return to Mumbai

An Air India plane flying to London was forced to return to Mumbai after passengers spotted a rat on board, the airline said Thursday.
Though the rat was not found, the pilot returned to Mumbai on Wednesday keeping passenger safety in mind, Air India said in a statement.
Passengers were later flown by a separate aircraft to London.
Maintenance workers would have to make sure that the rat did not damage equipment or chew any wires and the plane is certified to be rodent-free, an airline official said.
Poor little rat .. Perhaps he was trying to get to Europe …. Was the plane certified “rodent free” prior to the incident ?
Rizks: You Rusty Rodent. You can see by this CCTV picture from Air India , that he only had carry on luggage
Maybe the rat forgot his luggage in Mumbai forcing the pilot to return back to take the rat's luggage ? :(
Latest update is that the Rat had a Business Visa for Qatar but decided to change flights when it heard about the costs of accomodation at Rizks' Emporium
Visa denied twice, only way to get rid of applying visa, sneaking thru landing gear climbing to cabin. It hassle free, FOC Ticket, free UK and Shengen visa, free meal as well.
Brit: "He didn't have a Plasma TV with him!" Ha! Ha! --- a good one!
Not only human want to go abroad, also Rat want to try other homeland, Feed up if congested, noise and pollution.
But if the agent was involved, he would look for such costs to be paid, and the Brit has yet to find out, who was the agent.
Equin0x: When someone opts to travel this way, a passport or a visa or a ticket is never thought of!
ash_ahk: That can't be right. He didn't have a Plasma TV with him
Who knows the rat may be returning to home country.....
AB has put up a good analogy, but did he pay for the air ticket or not?
He wasn't caught, so now has NRI - Nimble Todent Indian status
When the rat saw that everyone was going west these days, he also decided to give it a try. Just with the many others who could not make it and lost their lives in the attempt, it appears he too ran out of luck.
in old saying "pen is powerful than sword'. now it is 'rat is more powerful than plane'.
btw: why did they believe the passenger who 'saw' the mouse?
May be the rat is bored with mumbai
So the Indian rats to try for the great leap?