question about chapati(roti) maker
By Qaataarliving •
a few days back I bought a roti maker I was very excited about it , when I tried to make roti it relly disappointed me, whenever I tried to makke roti it sticks every time upper part of of roti maker instead of down. Did anyone faced the same problem? its geepas brand and very very nice In design.
need only helpful answer, no joke pls.
MM: Sadly, Rizks is busy at his Emporium. So , the teacher will have to fill in
Qaa, Congrats at your new talent ....................
Qaa, Congrats at your new talent ....................
Brit, You need to bring along a partner for that .......... it's all practical ..........
Brit, You need to bring along a partner for that .......... it's all practical ..........
The Kama Sutra would be a good start
what do you want to learn?
Perfect at what ? What do you want to teach us ?
Now I am perfeft, I can teach someone .
Brit , She won't like to be watched by him all the time .............. ................. so better he remains in kitchen for a few minutes ....... ............. better for one & all .....................
MM: Isn't it better for both to go to the bedroom together ?
When man goes to the kitchen wife goes to the bedroom ............
Practice makes a man perfect .......................
Avoiding attending a phone call or frequently going to washrooms or thinking about the previous night ....... this way you will be able to concentrate on the basic function that is Roti .......... ................ .................
I watched more then 10 videos about chapati maker still same happening to me that is why I am fed up.
No matter how far technology progresses, there is simply no replacement the human hands. Chapati is one such item that when made by hands will always be better.
Enamor is right...maybe your batter is still sticky when you are putting it on the roti maker, maybe need to add a bit more flour to your mould
or maybe you are not giving enough time for the roti maker to properly heat and form the roti...
1- Knead the dough with little butter or ghee inside.Like 2 cup flour needs two tbsps ghee.
2- While making chapatis n keeping inside either cover it in all purpose flour little or grease the both inner sides if chapati maker