Portforwarding for my public gameserver.

Greetings, I've been looking around to find a way to portforward my game server, Counter-Strike Global Offensive to be specific. But I can't seem to find anything that allows me to portfoward, Although I did find the port forwarding section on the Fibre homepage ( 192.168..... ) but it's local only. ( http://gyazo.com/3b4aed191aea4a3316284881e9f968b9 ). Any thing I missed?
I need to portfoward these specific ports.
Counter-Strike - Global Offensive (TCP)27014-27050 (UDP)3478, 4379-4380, 27000-27030
I've already got a machine ready to host, don't disappoint me.
idk man but feel free to add me on steam lol
Steam: Parq
Hope this makes sense as my English is not the best.