New law to punish employers failing to pay salary on time

Qatar's Emir yesterday issued a law making it compulsory for private companies to pay workers their wages through electronic transfer system in a timely manner.
The new law, which is part of a series of labour law reformations, is to be published in the official gazette and only then to be implemented. Implementation is expected soon.
Qatar News Agency reports that the law (Number 1 of 2015) amends some provisions of the Law Number 14 of 2004, known as the labor law. The new legislation was issued by the Emir H H Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani yesterday.
Companies will be given a grace period of six months to implement the new mode of salary payments, popularly known as the Wage Protection System (WPS).
However, this grace period can be extended to another six months or more if the Minister for Labour and Social Affairs grants permission.
The amended part of the new law says the salary must be transferred into a worker's account with one of the financial institutions in the country "within a specified period".
All types of payments, including allowances and perks, must be paid to workers only electronically.
Company owners not transferring workers' salaries electronically in time will be liable to face a jail term not exceeding a month or a fine of QR2,000 ($549.2) to QR6,000 ($1,647.6) or both.
The new law will supposedly end workers’ woes regarding delayed or non-payment of their wages and perks.
What do you think of this new law? Is it a promising start to Qatar's labor law reforms?
[Source: QNA and The Peninsula]
Greetings i have been working in a company for the past more than 3 years and i have resing the company on 31st may 2018 and from that time till today i havent got my Full and Final Settlement along with the pending Salarys kindly suggest me when i am asking them they are just saying me to wait i waited for 2 months and more but till now i dont have positive answer from them Kindly request to suggest something good so that i can get the help and collect my money.
My company is not paying salary every month. 2 months where delay the salaries in my company. and for some laboursin our company they did'nt make bank account for salary. after 1 year also the company is not making salary in bank account what the punishment can take against the company. and the system in our company is too bad.
My company is not paying salary every month. 2 months where delay the salaries in my company. and for some laboursin our company they did'nt make bank account for salary. after 1 year also the company is not making salary in bank account what the punishment can take against the company. and the system in our company is too bad.
Sadly bringing in a law and enforcing it are two different things
Here I would like to add one more point. My company is not transferring the money on 1st or 2nd month, where as they are paying around 10th of the month. This happen for the last four month. What should i do in this situation? Can I make a complaint anywhere? Can you anyone help me with it?
my company is paying me on time every month, but he is paying me the salary some time very low, last time i got salary only 1250, my actual salary is 3500, what i can do?????.
some company is paying salary on time but not actual salary after some deduction they are paying,
2K to 6k is not a good option, need a better solution ....
Thank God, May God bless His Highness for protecting the workers.
waiting for more change?
Oh really good news
today 22 I never take salary January
hahahaha what's a result ......
This is good.. But there are some loop pole for employer....
My experience in U.A.E that, the employer will mention in the contract very less salary than employee get offered. and this salary can withdraw trough ATM by employer it self.
some cases WPS only for formalities.
The department should make sure, the employers doing the service effectively.
I worry for most of the consulting Companies here who rely on the clients paid Monthly invoices. Often the employees had to content with part salaries or salaries not paid on time. Receiving threathening call from Landlords towards rent clearance or else he may bounce the cheque.
If ' Company sponsors ' are punished instead of Company owners!!!! then we can see changes even before the law is passed....
Only Jail?? fine of 2k? LOL! They Can pay 2k it's just 2k.. it's just like a salary of a person lol! they should be more strict about these. We are working and Doing our best to provide our families that need us. I appreciate the Policy but please review it more passionately.
its funny which made me laugh >> "Company owners not transferring workers' salaries electronically in time will be liable to face a jail term not exceeding a month". Because 2 years back our company paid our salaries on 1st of every month. Since last year they started to delay for 7th 10th maximum is on 15th. Now this law gives them 15 days more :p :D ( I am worried our next salaries will be 29 days delayed) JFF :D
Aneeka, It's just like your kids ask for something and you promise them that i have prayed to God for this so just wait. As APOOSE wrote, You must have some reserved funds for 4/5 months employees salaries to be paid in case the client don't pay you. Otherwise follow "lock and walk"
Is there specific days, yeah they will transfer your salary but ATM & not ETM (Every Three Months). It must be after end of the Month.Company must cut off every 20th of the month so the employees will receive end of the month. So we can pay to the bank on time regarding our charges (loan, Credit Card & etc.) without any penalty & bad record on credit bureau.
aneeka911, your statement maybe true you are not getting paid from Client but when you get payment you should keep reserve money in your bank to meet the expenses and staff salaries your excuses are not their problem they are working for you so you should give their salary at the end of the month! What you thing if it is in your country will anyone work without salary if one day ahead?!!
we didin't get the salary of January 2015 until now.they pays when they thought.we too have to feed our family from this salary.if we we are business people we will never come to do this job.So our depends is our employer and if they not paid in time what about our depends?
how about a law to make sure that the private companies are paid by their clients on time??? without getting paid for our services how can we pay salaries on time?? we never get paid by any of our clients on time. they always delay our payments sometimes upto 2-3 months.
how abt Exit slavery ??? many company management pushes slavery by means of exit permit system. Also, who has guts or courage to complain. slaves r born here :(
Our company keeps on delaying our salaries... Help us. We haVe mouth to feed in our native country....
What about visa ban and also peoples who are in ban already. Are the can come immediately inside qatar or theres will be a grace period to enter into qatar.... Anybody please suvgest....
This is a good start. But not enough. Although this is the best solution for companies who doesn't pay employees on time.
There are so many things that should be address. One of this is the KALAFA system - which I personally think is HARAM. This is just my perception, but this is like a modern slavery which was happened during the time of Prophet MUSA SAW.