architect's salary question

I have been asked to estimate expected salary for the position of an Architect. I'm from Croatia and I have a Master's Degree with 9 years of work experience. Can anyone tell me what the median base salary (no allowances) would be in my case/how high should I aim without overestimating?
Thanks in advance!
One of my friends was a graduate architect and he got offered 13000 QAR based on only 1 year of experience. So if you have 9 years of experience, I would expect you to get at least 20,000 QAR but ideally 25,000 QAR is what you should aim for. I know a few people in that salary bracket who have the same experience (or near about the same) as you.
10000 to 15000 QAR should be your basic salary...if its a Q group of companies then it will be more than 15000 riyals.
Much appreciated!
10K ................. ............................................