lost passport

By salvador93 •
People I am a Pakistani I have lost my passport what should I do will the Pakistani embassy n can the embassy provide me a new passport I don't know what to do please help me out
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You will definitely meet a few gents there { embassy } having same issue { Lost PP } ... they will support you emotionally , you may also find a good fellow from among the embassy staff which may lead to an interesting turn in your life ..................... ........... ............ ..... Sat,08.11.2014, 08.29 hrs
Salva Bhai, Go step by step , first produce a new booklet from your embassy , then ask your sposor to stamp visa on that ........ how much ? it will match your mistake of loosing your passport while in a foreign country ....... ....... but it won't be that much that you can't pay ........ profits & losses are part of game of life ....... people spend more than their yearly earnings on their GFs ........ for you ... it's your own passport ........ so you will be easily able to spare some Riyals for the Govt fees ................ ............ ........ Sat,08.11.2014, 08.24 hrs
Any idea how much will I have to pay??
But actually I am working on sponsorship so what should i do
First, call the Pakistan Embassy at 44832525 and tell them about the loss. They are closed this Sunday and as such call them on Monday between 8 AM and 1 PM. They will guide you on the steps to be taken to get hold of a new passport. The embassy will provide you with a new passport, but it may have you doing some running around such as going to the police and making a report of the loss, placing an ad in the newspaper regarding the loss etc. However, the issue would soon get solved. Don't worry.
Salva ............ Why do you worry so much ? It's now your embassy's botheration to provide you with a brand new booklet , just go there & tell them to make a quick one for you , be ready to pay them a fees ............. ....... ........... It seems you misplaced it ? ........... Fri, 06.11.2014 , 07.18 hrs