Experts discourage use of plastic containers for hot food

Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC) experts have warned that the use of non-stick cookware at high temperatures and heating/storing hot food and drinks in plastic containers can transfer harmful chemicals to the food.
Experts recommended the use of glass (such as Pyrex) or metal containers whenever possible, and avoid heating or microwaving food in plastic containers even if the label says it is microwave-safe.
Dr. Ahmad Al Mulla, a senior consultant at HMC, says most plastic types have been found to contaminate food with chemicals such as polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyethylene, polycarbonate and phthalates.
Al Mulla added it is very difficult to avoid plastic food packaging nowadays as it is used for almost everything from water bottles to meat, dairy, bakery products and canned foods, as well as fast foods.
Also in widespread use is non-stick cookware, which can release toxic chemicals particularly when cooking at very high temperatures.
When using non-stick cookware, Al Mulla advised to keep the temperature at the lowest possible to safely cook the food, and run the exhaust fan over the stove when cooking on the stove top.
He recommended eating more fresh food and reducing consumption of processed or fast foods to reduce exposure to harmful chemicals.
“Choosing fresh foods as part of a healthier diet will not only help you avoid harmful chemicals used in manufacturing plastic containers, but also the large amounts of sodium, fat and other unhealthy ingredients in processed or fast foods,” he said.
He advised the public to be mindful when buying foods packaged in plastic and take precautions to protect their health:
- Always check bottles and other plastic containers to minimise exposure to harmful chemicals. Containers made with polyvinyl chloride are usually marked with a number 3 or ‘PVC’, while those made with polycarbonate are marked with a number 7 or ‘PC’.
- Don’t reuse plastics with the number 1 (used in water and soft drink bottles) and throw away worn or scratched plastic containers. Hand-wash plastic containers instead of using the dishwasher to reduce wear and tear.
Anyone having health issues suspected of plastic chemical contamination should seek urgent medical advice.
HMC’s Chairman of Internal Medicine, Professor Abdul-Badi Abou-Samra, explained how harmful chemicals contained in plastic can impact one’s health.
“When ingested, these chemicals can disrupt the body’s endocrine (or hormone) system and can cause conditions such as asthma, cancer, birth defects, immune system suppression, and developmental and reproductive problems,” he added. [Source: The Peninsula]
We should turn to Copper and mud utensils used in the olden days
Glad this is only for Hot food, I only store food in Containers in the Fridge!
Experts keep changing their ideas after every few years , there 're other areas where heat & plastic go hand in hand without any issues ! ................... ........... Wed, 15.10.2014, 07.21 hrs
ok..so start to implement these health hazard awareness in all food outlets serving hot foods with plastic regardless of their type.