ALS Ice bucket challenges in Qatar

The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge trend has finally reached Qatar. Not very surprising as the campaign has been gaining support worldwide at a rapid pace.
So far, the ice bucket challenge has raised over $30 million worldwide and the donations keep coming in.
If you have not been challenged yet, do not worry. There are a few mass challenges happening in Qatar in the next few days.
Here are some venues you could go to do the challenge.
- St. Regis Doha beach
Folks at St. Regis Doha are hoping for a crowd of approx. 100+ people. Take your family and friends (and some donations too)
August 22, Friday
8:30 to 9 am for group bucket drenching
Enter through Hakkasan entrance
Bring your own bucket and towel
- Wyndham Grand Regency Hotel
August 23, Saturday
3.00 pm
Make sure you show up before 3.00 pm and as usual, get your own towels and buckets.
Bonus: They have some kind of surprise planned, so don't miss it.
Please feel free to share #alsicebucketchallenge
We'll keep updating this list, so keep checking!
khan, they don't need the money for the ALS project to fund Israel. Don't be paranoid...
Donot donate a single riyal.
It is the american beggars to whom the money goes.
They will fund israel and kill the Muslims.
Boycott all american products and donations, is the least you can do.