Summer vacation means bad bank customer services

With most employees of local companies having gone on annual vacation, services of many sectors, especially banking services, are negatively affected.
As a result of a shortage of staff at banks, customers are forced to wait for hours to avail services.
And those who have opted not to go on vacation are working under great pressure.
“So many people have gone on vacation at the same time, affecting the quality of services, particularly in the banking sector. The banks should have made alternative arrangements to ensure customers are provided with normal services even during summer months,” said Yousif Mousa Abuhelaiqa, a Qatari citizen.
Some citizens and expatriates who have applied for personal loans are facing indefinite delays in the process of approval, causing irreparable losses to many.
“I have been trying to obtain a personal loan from my bank over the past one month. So I decided to change my bank but it did not work either. Finally, when another bank sanctioned my loan, I couldn’t avail the fund, as I failed to obtain a certificate from my employer since the signing authority at my company is on vacation,” said an Asian expatriate to this newspaper.
During the summer months, a large number of staff at most companies go on vacation. For instance, the amount of work done by five employees at a particular department (during normal days) is being taken care of by only two or three people, which is affecting the efficiency and productivity of workers.
Yet another Qatari citizen, Abdullah Mohammed Al Ahbabi, added: “With the growing population in the country, this is becoming increasingly a big problem now year-by-year. Those who have not gone on vacation are the biggest sufferers as they have to make extra efforts."
A good way to solve this issue would be if banks made alternative plans to accommodate the interest of their customers. Hopefuly the management won't let most of their employees to leave for vacation together.
Any day is Bad Bank Day here.
What genius managers give all their staff annual leave at the same time? Unless of course staff just go on holidays and don't tell anyone, and don't come back.
Qatar Central Bank needs to work out and advise "Minimum Service Standards" to the Banks, who should ensure their implementation. For cheque book issuance, cash deposit and personal loans etc, there should be a time frame and the customers should not be left at the mercy of Banks. Generally the banks in Qatar are low paced in their service deliveries. They need to learn from the food chains who are super efficient in their deliveries.