Crazy drivers!!!

I was driving along the salwa road today in the fast lane and had cars in front of me.
guess what? A crazy Qatari in a huge black toyota pickup style truck races towards me from behind flashing his headlights & honking his horn when I obviously didn't and couldn't move to the slower lane immediately!!
guess what the crazy man does next after almost crashing into my behind !!??? After I have overtaken the car on my right and now have space to move to the slower lane, I move into the second lane and this crazy man with a huge black toyota truck SUV veers infront of me on the bloody highway almost crashing into me again and slows down as if to punish me for not moving out of his way immediately!!!!
hiw f***** ridiculous is that??? why are there so many foolish drivers here like that misbehave so much on the roads and in public in general?
I was in the queue at Carrefourre the other day and the Qatari behind me tells me to move on !!! I had people in front of meg and had left a small gap so that my body is not in contact with theirs!!! And he asks me to move up.
how f***** ridiculous. I have some amazing QatarI friends who are well educated and would never behave like this and actually look down upon and are ashamed of qataris who behave like this
very upset about the incident on the salwa highway today on my way to work
what a moron !!!! I really like qatar but such incidents really do make me wonder why there are so many idiots that misbehave like this??? why do I never encounter such behaviour when I'm in England??
That was awful. But you have to accept the fact that every people is different. Just like in business. Building a bigger consumer base is not necessarily the solution for growing your business. Instead, increasing your costs might be your very best bet. Article source:
I have no idea why people get so bent out of shape on this site! It's Ramadan - calm down and stop behaving that way!!!
rightly so Fubar... ;) people need to chillax a bit...
Lol... Yeah, I'm totally serious. Some people need a lesson in sarcasm. I love how people react to stupid stuff on pointless websites.
Fubar , Accept it at last.
Another thing to remember is the traffic here drive on the right side of the road unlike England.
kevin, Fubar is right. you didn't know?
Fubar..who told you..Road rules...for Qatari and expats are different..if you don't know traffic rules just shut your mouth...don't post false statements..
these idiots out side the country like..rates..!
You must be new to Qatar. Road rules for locals and expats are different. You should remember that.
Yogi , Asking for smart drivings tips would be more helpful from that gentleman than complaining.
if you are not daring don't use fast lane simple other wise you have to face this there is no solution for that......
List : 1, You drive in fast lane . 2, You didn't move to right lane when not overtaking . 3, Not looking in the rear view mirror to see if there 'r other vehicle behind you who want to reach somewhere . 4, You speak filthy abuses in your story . 5, You again abuse strangers in your story . 6 , Who would believe that you were ever in Endland the way you call others a moron when you yourself can't drive well & aren't aware of your short comings. 7, . 8 , . 9,. 10 , . .............................................. Sun , 29.06.2014 , 08.30 hrs
Get the Ministry of interior Application take a picture and report the driver!
There is no reason for such behavior anywhere in the world. But the sad reality is, there are people everywhere who behave unreasonably and in uncivilized manner. One could hope that slowly there would be enough education and progress that eventually, everyone will in an appropriate manner. I live in Georgia, US. I can assure you there are plenty of nutcases here. What you just described happens with me yesterday as I was driving with my little son in the car seat. The driver started chasing me and I had to run away as fast as I could without having to worry about speeding. Additionally, Georgia is a gun friendly state so almost everyone has a gun in the car. I am suppose to be living in one of the most civilized nation, but guess what. Most ridiculous things happen over here as well. And to tell you the truth, most of my "American" friends are ashamed of these unruly characters. But again, you will find them everywhere. The trick is to stay out of their way as much as possible and not allow them to ruin your day..
To be happy in Qatar, you have to accept the fact that you are in Qatar.