Highs and lows in Qatar's media landscape

Northwestern University in Qatar (NU-Q) partnered with Doha Film Institute (DFI) and released findings from a six-nation study of entertainment media use in the Middle East focusing on Qatar, but also including UAE, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Egypt and Tunisia.
Let's take a look at some of the highs and lows of Qatar-specific findings from the survey
Qatar has the highest percentage of nationals who watch TV in English (Average: 18%/ Qatar: 39%)
Qatar has the highest percentage of people who watch sports as a favorite genre of television programming – (Average: 20%/Qatar: 30%)
Qatar has the highest percentage of people who believe that exposure to entertainment can lead to poor health and obesity in children – (Average: 45%/ Qatar: 65%)
Qatar has the highest percentage of nationals who agree that more should be done to preserve cultural traditions – (Average: 78%/ Qatar: 94%)
Qatar has the highest percentage of people who believe that in-person/telephone conversations has an influence on their entertainment choices – (Average: 54%/ Qatar: 73%)
Qatar has the lowest percentage of people who believe that advertising has an influence on their entertainment choices – (Average: 52%/ Qatar: 31%)
Qatar has the lowest percentage of nationals who watch films from their own country – (Average: 78%/ Qatar: 15%)
Qatar has the lowest percentage of nationals who watch TV produced in their own country – (Average: 94%/ Qatar: 51%)
Qatar has the lowest percentage of nationals who watch online content from their own country – (Average: 81%/Qatar: 29%)
Complete findings of survey available here: Entertainment Media Use in the Middle East
Photo by Khurram Shahzad