Is it too late now?
Dear Mums and Grams, I need your advice to bring a closure to a chapter in my life. I am a mother of two wonderful children. I had two miscarriages after a few years of having my second child when I was still in my early thirties. The miscarriages(blighted ovum) were very hard and painful both physcially and emotionally and my whole family,espacially my kids suffered with me. I was told by my OB that the reason for my miscarriages were unknown and there were fifty percent chances of having another blighten ovum if I conceived again. I was too frightened by this possibility and didn't try again but the desire for having another baby wouldn't go away. I am crazy about my children and enjoy every moment of their life. Now I am on the wrong side of my thirties and getting depressed thinking that I have almost lost my chances of having another baby by being too worried and scared for so many years. I feel I would regret even more when all the waters have flown under the bridges for not trying at least one more time.
What do you think about my situation?