Applied Family visa status shows under review

Hi Friends, I had applied family visa for my wife and daughter last month, initially it was defered (missing document). After verifying all requirement the status change to under review for wife only and daughter same(Deffered). Now its more than a month show under review, please advise what next I should do. Many Thanks.
My baby was born in Qatar. I applied for his visa and submit the required documents to Immigration. Now it's showing Under review. They say within the 3 days visa will be issued till now still same. How long it will take or still possible for the rejection?
Current Process in Family Visa:
1. Salary Letter from Employer -salary overall to be minimum 12000 QAR (Arabic - Typed and addressed to MOI-Immigration Dept) - Contact your PRO of Company.
2. Copy of Your passport and Work VISA Page
3. Copy of your Education Certificate (ATTESTED - See Below for attestation details)
4. Wife's Passport Copy
5. Marriage Certificate (ATTESTED - See Below for attestation details)
6. Child(s) Birth Certificate(s) (ATTESTED - See Below for attestation details)
7) rent agreement duly attested by muncipility (muncipilty shall require another set of documents like copy of title, copy of owner QID, lay out, etc. for stamping)
For attestation purpose please contact Sheen Services Wll, they provided great service for me, i think they are the best in the market for attestation
contact [email protected]
Please advise some more details to get the family RP . Someone who had recently done it.
Pay under the table
Thanks, I went to immigration many times and even met officers. He is saying under review, wait and check next week same reply last one month. Any other option we can do, appreciated your valuable advise.
Dear it is better to go and check at counter with police officer, if not you have to wait endless, if your wife visa still under review means, some thing is there to finalize by authorities, if its get ok normally daughter's one will go through automatically.
well logic would suggest that you check with them... I mean that's what you do when you want to find out an update ... you don't sit around waiting
wait for another 6 months ,may be luck wins