Certificate of Islam

Hi, I converted Christian to Islam last 2010. I wasn't able to get my certificate. Is it possible for me to still get one? is there any requirements of getting it? and will it take time?
We have been boyfriend/girlfriend for 4 years now and we decided to get married. We want to transfer in the new house together and live as a couple. But before we do it we want to have blessings from Allah and be married. He is Muslim and in my heart Im already Muslim.
I want to know where we can get married here? and what are the requirements if you happen to know. My boyfriend is Syrian and I am a Filipina. Will they ask for a certificate that I am Muslim?
I will really appreciate your answer guys and i don't need any negative judgement/comments here but your opinion about any possibility about my question would really help me a lot. Thank you.
Congrats, first you should to go Fanar to got the Islam certificate after that go primary court to record this marred
Aisha,. Sorry I dont have Sister Mariam number,..when you study in fanar did you take the final exam before you stop studying? if yes then they can give you shahada certificate as long as they have your record in their file, if no then you have to study again,. Anyway Im also Kabayan.. :)
thank you to all of you.
Hi VeekayGroup as I remember I already make Shahadaa last 2010 but wasn't able to continue studying because of my schedule at work. Do you have sister Mariam's number? Because I want to ask if they can provide me certificate so I can get married while I will continue studying Islam. Thank You :)
Congrats amd please check with Fanar
Hi Aisha,..You have to study first in Fanar for basic islamic course and it takes 3months then after you finish the 3months they will give you Shahadaa Certificate., when you go to fanar just go straight in womens section 3rd flr and look for sister Mariam she will help you on this. Congratulation sister.
Someone who knows the answer will post for you.
Congrats ! All your queries have answers , let somebody come out who has through knowledge about the similar situations ..... Joys .......
Wed, 02.04.2014, 10.12 hrs .......................................................................................................