Will the madness never end?

Yesterday a Nissan Patrol smashed into the back of my wife's Mini car. On the C RR this morning, on the way to airport, a Nissan FX was about one foot away from my backside, doing the usual swinging from side-to-side and flashing headlamps to tell me to over because he is more imprortant than me (I didn't because he is not) so he swung across three lanes and then back, just missing me by inches....then, one hour later on the way to handle yesterday's smash, I passed two ambulances and three Police cars attending a t-bone smash at the new taffic light junction just past the Al Dana club....no courtesy from them (yes, you know who they are)...ebevrythng has been handed to them - ihealth, wealth and education, but sadly they are far, far behind the infrastructure...will it never end?
After cancer, RTA is the biggest killer in Qatar. And nearly every single day I see a local crashed into the back of someone else.This moring twas a guy in a Ford pick up drove into the back of Nissan Maxima, right next to me, just before Televsion R/A, because he was texting. My co-worker lost her best friend in November ( aged 23, and hit by two locals,who also died) and a boy at my sons school was recently killed because he took his parents LC out, aged 14.
This is waste of life is truly madness and the discipline must begin at home.
@zackm if you'd bothered to read what I wrote, I was in the middle of overtaking, exactly abeam another vehicle. It used to be called fast lane where I come from, and due to sufficient accidents (think about this place for a second), they renamed it.
The concern I have for the lunatic driving here is that it will cause a situation where people will not want to be here, the government wants tourism to increase, I can guarantee that people will either come once or hear of the roads, and never return. This is the primary aspect that, if the locals and people living here tackle, may actually assist with the desire to increase tourism. Couple that with a few more things for them to do, and be competitive in cost with other tourist locations in the region and the people will come
Zackm - tis you who is the dodo.
@Martyw1985: You dodo it is called a fast lane here. if it is used for only over taking.. Why are you continuously driving on it for a long periods at a time. you can simply move over to your right and let others pass...simple gesture for all the other people who are in a hurry. Who made you apply your driving rules here. The rules of the road is different here.
@Martyw1985: You dodo it is called a fast lane here. if it is used for only over taking.. Why are you continuously driving on it for a long periods at a time. you can simply move over to your right and let others pass...simple gesture for all the other people who are in a hurry. Who made you apply your driving rules here. The rules of the road is different here.
Thank-you Martyw1985, at last, some sensible comments.
I read the other comments with amusement - I wonder why some of them think I am slow driver? On the contrary, I was doing the speed limit and in a stream of traffic all travelling at the same speed, and I'm no slowcoach, my car can easily cruise at 140Kph - middle lane also full and moving a little slower as was the inside lane...where does the idiot behind think he is going to go? And to top it all, after his death defying manouvere, he pulled off and turned right, still tailgating the poor sod in front of him.
I suppose at least he wasn't texting!
I can assure Molten Metal and others that there is not the slightest exageration or jealousy ( I have an equally large vehicle ) just get fed up with the bad driving. In fact, some of these posters seem to be flashers or suffering from road-rage themselves! Six years ago we used to go out every night but, these days, after battling through to get home, I feel exhausted!
By the way, I've never had an accident and, before anyone says it, I've never caused on either and neither has the wife!
Coming from a civilised driving country, the driving here is madness.
I, myself, have experienced the 1 inch from bumper flashing thing, while in the middle of overtaking and maintaining the speed limit. Not only is this really bad driving standard, but likely to cause accidents, and a sign of road rage. I'm sure the local religion has a need to abide by laws of the land, speed limits on roads are included in that.
People driving excessively slow in the middle and left lanes are also a huge issue. The CORRECT designation of lanes are: right lane for driving, additional lanes to left are for overtaking (none are called "fast lane"!)
The other serious issue is the turning left when in a lane for going straight on, just wait in the queue and everyone will get there alive and in a reasonable time.
A sign of a good driver is someone who can look beyond their own bonnet and judge appropriate road position, speed, and acceleration/braking for the conditions they have in front of them. It is far far more efficient, and comfortable to progressively slow the car approaching busy intersections, or roundabouts, when it is obvious you will be required to stop.
All I'll say is 90% of people here would be banned from the roads in my home country for failing to drive correctly, but I feel its more the lack of comprehension of risks while driving (kids not buckled up in back too!), and the relatively short time that the automobile has existed in this region, some reflection, and advice from more experienced people, would probably solve the problem
Total bias & prejudice shown by the OP.
If only lazy or sleepy drivers read this post !
Galinda, Why so much of negativity and death wish for others ?
@zackm: Exactly.... and these are the guys who used to create such type of Posts on QL that everyone is flashing us n getting very closer bla bla bla... why cant you drive in slow lanes then...
Slow Driving and Blaking Early when you are far from reaching the traffic lights is the reason for all these accidents. MOVE OUT OF THE WAYYYYYYY! You are driving to slow!!! I also get flashed from time to time, but I give way by moving the the right. Whats wrong with that? Some drivers keep on the left end of the lane and drive slow. For God Sakes, Left end is the FAST LANE. It is called FAST LANE for a reason. Not meant to be on it, if you drive slow.
Yasir , Even the story seems quite exaggerated plus a high concentration of jealousy in it ....
...............................................................................................Tue , 25.03.2014 , 11.42 hrs
Totally agreed with MM..
this is the reason People starts overtaking from the right...
Not giving way to the vehicle behind you is a classic example of road rage ....
...............................................................................................Tue , 25.03.2014 , 11.32 hrs
It is mostly slow drivers who have to really understand the driving on a public road ... move to the right before somebody asks for it .... so simple .... it's one word ... move ....
If you can't move ahead ... move to right ....
...............................................................................................Tue , 25.03.2014 , 11.30 hrs
why does it happens to every ones wife only..:P
It will end when they have all died in car accidents. It is all part of His plan.