working at doha and living cost?

greetings. im from malaysia. just received an offer for working in doha in manufacturing industries. i will going alone. not with family due to family are not included in the packages. ive been offer QAR5600 per month (all other allowance include in the QAR5600) as a production supervisor. Accormodation and transport arre provided. are these offer sufficient in doha and could i make a saving for the offer?
Give not government
Bro,that's sesema a little bit low,in my opinion,baik fikirkan balik.What about return tiket ,does the company provide that.will they Government you tiket or IATA?
If you are planning to bring your family in near future, don`t accept it.... but for single this package acceptable as per Qatar marker
As long as you have no plans in bringing your family here in the future.
While MM is right, you may also keep in mind any savings you are making from the currently salary you are drawing now. With the package you have been offered, you may get to save QR 4500 per month.
Luque , Compare it with your present income .... If it's double .... then only move ....
Wed , 12.03.2014 , 10.42hrs ...