Change of Sponsorship Process Duration

By usmanahmadgul •
Hi, Does anybody have experience on how long does it take to get the Change of Sponsorship approval from Immgration department? My new sponsor has applied wth all the documents (NOC, CID, Med) since 29th Janruary but no approval even after 3 weeks.
Waiting for a mango to rippen & getting a immigration doc is quite different MM.
Same here, I am also transferring to a govt. company. I went to immigration myself to check and had a look up online too, they say it is under review and but no confirmation on finalizing date.
Mangoes takes 20yrs to get its fruit, shall we wait that long!.. ;)
I like mangoes :p
Like a mango .... it takes time for rippening ......
Tue, 18.02.2014 , 08.53 hrs ...
I'm waiting also more than 45days to transfer sponsorship from Private to Gov company, anybody know why it's taking such a long time?! Any info appreciated.
Give one week more .....
Tue, 18.02.2014 , 06.40 hrs ...