.. Ambition Realized ..

By Molten Metal •
.. Ambition Realized ..
An ambition is realized when you have vision & struggle continuously for it ...
MM .......... Sat, 15.02.2014 , 07.18 hrs ...
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Reminds me of the ant and soldier story
Children tell us what life is all about.
Even a small kid has given us a lesson, thanks Molten. Try 3rd & last time , lol.
@MM Bhai: its ok dear at least everyone got the point this is the main thing..
So true.There shouldn’t be any scope for discouragement.Instead,Keep going,keep making the attempt,until we make that last and final fulfilling attempt.
It's delightful to have ambitions. I'm so glad I have such a lot. And there never seems to be any end to them-- that's the best of it. Just as soon as i attain to one ambition i see another one glittering higher up still. It does make life so interesting. . There’s so much I want to do in this lifetime, so much I want to be ….Such a thoughtful idea.TFS.Molten
Sir MM : So awesome true words,,,,,,Bt, I still dont have any vision,,,,,i m still into njoyment mode,,,,,,I live to njoy my life,,,cheer's :)
WalaikumSallam Yasir, I tried two times to reduce the pic size but failed .......
Sat, 15.02.2014, 08.47 hrs ....
yup true... TFS
Assalam o alaikum have a nice day MM Bhai..