.. Can't forget ..

By Molten Metal •
.. Can't forget ..
Hello Folks,
There are some people who had parted ways even decades before but had become part & parcel of one's memories & impossible to forget ...... ....
MM ......
Sat, 01.02.2014 , 17.38 hrs ....
Welcome , MM. Cheers .
A bunch of Thanks for the wonderful words of appreciation,RR......
A million dollars worth of comment by - silvermist.
Have courage MM Bhai.
Although there are just too many things we have to think about every day, but still, no matter how much time passes, no matter what takes place in the interim, there are some things we can never assign to oblivion. Memories can never fade away fully. They remain with us forever, like a touchstone.
But it is best to listen to the people who love you. Believe that they are worth living for, and move on. Maybe memories should be left the way they are-as a treasure for future.
Molten,hope u have regained your cheerful disposition by now.Remember, you are someone so jubilant, always wth words full of clemency, which leaves it’s everlasting impact on all those around you :) ……So continue being strong and keep going ahead in life.May The Almighty guide u through…….
Good morning and enjoy your day.
Humbles, Good philosphical mood ...... Delighted to read it ..... over & over ........ Thanks ...........
MM, Life is a journey , everyone has her / his own preferences to find an other route. Memories of closest person may not fade even over a longer peroid of time but accept the realty & move on is the only option for ' you ' .
Thanks MM and Muhammad Yasir :)
Miss you too guys
welcome Back sulieman... :)
Suli, I 'm fine, Wish you joys ....... Welcome back ..... missed you a lot .....
Sun, 02.02.2014, 08.56 hrs ...
Good morning MM
Hope you are doing well